
Tokyo Skipjack: I Love STEAK Who Doesn't?

Tokyo Skipjack is a must visit steak restaurant in Jakarta. It is located on Jalan Bulungan (just opposite of the GOR Bulungan), in the southern part of the town. Although small in size, the restaurant is cozy offering a smoking and a non smoking area.

I heard so many times about Tokyo Skipjack, and finally visited it with Rene on a Sunday afternoon. We arrived around 5pm, so the place was not crowded. But if you plan to visit during dinner time, be prepared that it will be a challenge to get your seat.

We sat in their smoking area, because there were no one who smoke

We ordered their NZ Tenderloin Steak for IDR 105,000 (cooked medium well), and choose french fries, green salad, with the Wasabi Butter. We could choose up to two sauce, and of course I also tried their Japanese Chimichuri Sauce.

I am telling you, this is so delicious!
A unique sauce for my steak

I love the green salad (it cost IDR 30,000 per portion), so I ordered it separately as a side dish.  

I could have three bowls of this:p

Let's have it a try. I fell in love with the steak as well as the restaurant.

The kitchen inside the restaurant..
... and another kitchen, located at a parking lot

written on March 23, 2015 by @tesyasblog

More on Jakarta Culinary could be found here.


  1. Wich one more delicious? Holycow or this skipjack? X=)

  2. aggghhhh blm prnh nyobain yg ini...ntr ah mba.... tempting bgt tuh steak ;)..dan saladnya jg...aku paling males ke resto steak trs dpt salad jagung2an ato wortel ga jelas gitu..hihhh ...

    1. Salad nya yang ini berkelas dan unik rasanya. Ayo Kak Fanny segera merapat:D

  3. Knp tempatnya mesti di bulungan ??? itu jauh dari tempat ku, kan jadi males buat nyobain nya hua hua hua

    1. Aku aja niat banget kesini, padahal kalo dari rumah jauh teramat sangat.
      Etapi deketan Bulungan daripada harus ke cabangnya yang di Seminyak *yakale

  4. Very tempting mbak ..ngecess seketika dan yg lebih menyakitkan adalah jaaauuuuhhhhh....... :(

    1. Hahahha kalo Mba Muna kesini, kabarin ya.... nanti kita makan di Skipjack.
