
Evergreen Residences Singapore Review

Nowadays it is hard to find a place to stay in a decent room with an en suite bathroom under 100 dollar in Singapore. Hotels in the city center offers room starting from SGD110. Your only choice might only be to stay in the hostels, which cost around SGD30 per person. 

If you are looking for a hotel in Singapore under 100 dollar, you have to choose a hotel which is located a little bit out of the city, but with an easy access to the MRT station as well as to the bus stops.

One of the option is to stay at Evergreen Residences in Aljunied area, a new residences building which is located 3 minutes away from the bus stops, and 10 minutes away both to Aljunied and Mountbatten MRT Station (Aljunied and Mountbatten are in the green and orange MRT line respectively).

In front of Evergreen Residences, Singapore

The Building

Everything is brand new at the building. And as it is called "a residence", when you enter the gate, you will see an ample space for parking. Well, you may not need a parking place in Singapore as you will be exploring the city by MRT and bus. However having a free space under this building give me a feeling that "I am home" whenever I open the gate and walk to the lift area. 

A new building 
The parking place 
Going to the lift on the ground floor
The hall between rooms

On the 9th floor (rooftop area), there's a small kitchen, that can be accessed for everyone staying at Evergreen Residences. But as there are many cheap and halal hawker center around the area, we choose to dine out.

The Rooms

Evergreen Residences has more than 50 rooms, all are being offered in those hotel engine website (agoda, booking, etc) and even on airbnb.

We got a double room on the 5th floor, although small but everything was brand new. The maximum people which can be accommodated in our room are 3 person (2 adults and 1 child under 6 year). One more thing, of course free and fast wifi is provided.

Our room at Evergreen Residences

A nice shower is attached to our room, towels and basic toiletries were provided.

Our room cost SGD80 on the weekends, and the price might lower down a bit on the weekdays. We stayed in a low season, I am not sure whether there's a surcharge for the peak season.

The Family Room

Evergreen Residences also has family room having a single and a queen bed in the room. Maybe next time when I travel with our Kiddos to Singapore, I can stay at their family room.

The Location

It is located on a big road, just opposite another hotel called Compass Hotel. It was easy to get Uber taxi from Evergreen Residences.

The address is: Geylang Road Lorong 22 #43. Although located in Geylang area which is famous for its red district area, Lorong 22 is "clean". We didn't see anything strange even though we arrived at this place around 1 am on our first night.

The view from Evergreen Residence

If you'd like to travel by bus, just exit the building to the left, and cross the intersection. You will find a bus stop.

The bus stop is 3 minutes walk from Evergreen Residences

Bus numbers from this bus stop which can be used that might suit your need to explore Singapore area:
Bus 7   : going to Arab Street, Bugis MRT, Dhoby Ghaut MRT and Orchard.
Bus 70 : going to Suntec City, Merlion Park and Lau Pa Sat.
Bus70M: going to Suntec, Singapore Flyer and The Esplanade.
Bus 197: going to Bugis MRT, City Hall MRT, Boat Quay and Chinatown

Or if you wish to take MRT from Mountbatten MRT station (orange line), you can walk to the same direction with the bus stop, than turn right to Pine Lane. You will see a market, turn right, and follow the direction to the MRT station.

We found a local market on the way to MRT Mountbatten 
The entrance to Mountbatten MRT Station

Aljunied MRT Station (green line) is a 10 minutes walk. From the building exit to the right and just walk straight. On your way to Aljunied MRT Station you will find many halal restaurants. And there's also Ananas Cafe at Aljunied Station, where you can find halal food with a cheap price.

Uber Taxi from Changi Airport cost us SGD21 at midnight, the price will be cheaper if you are coming to Singapore at a normal time.

How To Book A Room at Evergreen Residences Singapore

You can book via airbnb, agoda, booking etc, or you can also email to Mr.Heru ( Just tell him you read the review on tesyasblog :)


Overall, we were satisfied with our stay at Evergreen Residence and would not hesitate to recommend this place to anyone looking a place to stay under 100 dollar in Singapore.

written on November 20, 2015 by @tesyasblog

Related Posts:
We have many reviews on Singapore accommodation (hotel and hostels) on this link.

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  1. Feels like local ya Mbak kalau nginap di residence gitu :D

    1. Sebetulnya lebih lokal kalau numpang di rumah orang Spore kali Mba #eh hahaha Tinggal di flat HDB gitu ya.
      Tapi ini juga asik, deket ke berbagai makanan halal.

  2. memang cuma geylang yg msh menyediakan HOTEL di bawah 100 dolar :D.. Makanya aku g prnh bosen nginep daerah sana

  3. Wah.. Baru nih update nya nov 2015. Akhir2 ini resing baca blog nya mbak..
    Nyusun iteniary.
    Saya rencana kesana Mei, mmg pgen sehari nginep di Spore mba.. Bawa anak 2, yg 1st 3th, yg 2nd 2th kurang... Klo daerah kota gtu, emg ga dapet kg ya mba <100?

    1. Hai Mba Bella, iya kalau di deket pusat kota mesti di atas SGD 100. Mba rencana nginep dimana?

  4. Thank so you much for this post for convincing me geylang is okay. Karna sudah agak lama gak ke Singapore, awalnya agak ragu untuk nginep di geylang. Tp skrg geylang pun sudah sangat beda dgn jaman dulu. Katanya siy red light districtnya sudah ampir semua tergeser ke tmpt lain. Skrg geylang ini akan menjadi residencial area. It's a perfect location, dkt ke airport, ke bugis and orchard area. Mau naik bus, bus stop jg dkt, tidak terlalu jauh dari MRT. Harga kamar resonable bgt utk di Singapore jaman skrg. The room was clean and it's cleaned everyday, with fresh linen and towel provided. Tp enakan bawa handuk sendiri siy :D Staff are all very friendly and helpful and flexible. Basically you get hotel service, with a very clean living enviroment, just like living at home. Alvin was very nice, giving all kinds of information we need to know to get there and everything else. Saat kami mau brangkat kebetulan hujan dan susah cari taxi. Alvin was very helpful he ordered us a cab, within 5 mins we got a cab.

    Kalo perlu cuci baju ada mesin cuci dgn membayar 5 dollar di sediain washing powder. Ada juga dryer, kompor dan lemari es besar utk ukuran rumah. (shared among all tenants in the building)

    Overall, would stay here again :D

    1. Hai, thanks for your sharing. Glad you loved your stay at Evergreen Residence.
      Lokasinya enak dan bersih ya :)

  5. Alhamdulillah nih ketemu blog mbak Tesya. Aku mau ke singapore jan 2016 sama 2 anakkku (9 thn dan 4 thn). Aman ya mbak stay di evergreen secara mau mefetin budget nginep nya tapi galau krn daerah Geylang :D ?

    1. Hello, thank you udah mampir.
      Cuman bertiga aja nih? Iya aman dan nyaman kok. Enggak nemu dan liat yang aneh-aneh di daerahnya.
      Have fun exploring Singapore ya:)

  6. Mbak Tesya disini super bersih dan aman dri psk dan cowo2 iseng?

    1. Bersih Mba, enggak nemu itu PSK dan cowo2 iseng kok hehehe..

  7. Mba tesya begitu keluar dari stasiun aljuneid mo ke evergreen belok kanan or kiri? Lalu tinggal lurus aja mba ke evergreenny? Tq

    1. Dari statsiun ambil yang exit tengah, lurus aja Mba. Coba deh di google map klik direction, terus input dari Aljunied MRT ke Evergreen Residence ya. Supaya lebih jelas arahnya. Have fun ya Mba di Singapore:)

    2. Tq ya mba tesyaa..

  8. Mba Tesya, mau tanya kalau bawa keponakan ke singapore perlu bawa surat kuasa ga ya mba? anakkny udh umur 15tahun..

    1. Wah Mba, maafkan saya enggak tau tentang hal ini. Coba di googling Mba, mungkin ada infonya.

  9. Mba kalau mau ke sentosa mending saya ke mountbatten mrt atau aljunied mrt lalu interchange ke outram park mrt? untuk biaya jauh lebih hemat mana mba?

    1. Kalau mau hemat, jalan kaki ke bus stop, naik bus 80. Sekali naik udah sampe ke Vivo City. Tapi agak lama sekitar 45 menit.

  10. halo mba Tesya thanks ya blognya informatif banget. saya n kel rencana libur lebaran mau nginep di evergreen dan sdh kontak pak Heru. kl sampainya malam (dari airport enaknya pake taxi airport atau order uber ya (ber 8)?

    1. Hai Mba Sarah, thank you udah mampir di blog kami. Kalau mau lebih murah naik Uber dari Changi. Bisa pesan 2 Uber ya. Semoga lancar liburannya nanti ya..

  11. hai mbak tesyaaa...beruntung banget nemu blog ini, informatif bangeett..

    langsung subscribe emailq ke blog ini dan ngefollow igmu..heheh. Maklum, kami keluarga traveler juga..hobby jalan2 walo masih localan :D Next, kami pengen nyobain singapore. Reviewnya oke bangeett mbak, kira2 cocok gak saya nginep disini kalo cuma di singapore 2d1n, dengan tujuan wisata hari pertama di garden bay n melihat wonderful di marina bay, trus hari keduanya eksplor sentosa island( cuma muter2 disekitarannya aja sih...gak masuk uss dan wahana lianain, hehehe). Kami emang lagi cari penginapan under 1jt karena emang sengaja buat bo2 doang. Oh ya, tambahan informasi...kami sampe di singapore sekitar jam11 siang dan pesawat besoknya jam set5 sore, kira2 itinerary saya terlalu muluk2 gak ya mbak? saya bawa anakbayi 15m, yang selama ini anteng dan demen2 aja di ajak travelling yang medannya berat..

    ditunggu responnya mbak. Thanks

    1. Hai Mba Ratih, makasih yah udah mampir di blog kami:)
      Hah ke Sin nya cepet amat cuma 2D1N?
      Oke kok kalau cuman bertiga ama anak usia 15 bulan, kasurnya pasti cukup hehe..
      Day 1:
      Mba datang ke Sin, terus ke apt dulu simpen barang. Nah terus Mba jalan kaki ke MRT line orange (Mountbatten MRT), naik MRT ke Bayfront MRT untuk menuju Gardens By The Bay. Btw Mba, lagi ada festival tulip! Ohhh aku pengen banget kesana huhuhu.. Terus malamnya Mba ke Marina Bay Sands untuk melihat lasershow. Pulang lagi pake MRT ke Mountbatten. Di bawah MBS itu ada MRT Station Bayfront.
      Day 2: Hari kedua paling cuma ke USS aja ya untuk foto2, lalu ke Changi deh. Kalau bisa sih dari pagi udah bawa backpacknya supaya menghemat waktu dari Sentosa bisa langsung MRT ke Changi. Dari Sentosa siangnya bisa makan di Vivo City sebelum lanjut ke Changi.

      Semoga membantu ya Mba...

    2. mbak tesya...thanks for respon, iya betul banget karena ada festival tulip itu makanya kesanaa...

      hahahh iya mbak, soalnya cuma ngabisin weekend aja. oh berangkatnya dari batam mbak...jadi ceritanya aq nyusulin paksu yang lagi dinas di batam sebelumnya, jumat pulang kantor ke batam sama anakq ketemu suami, nginep semalam trus besoknya pagi2 naik ferri ke spore.
      ada usul dari teman agar ke sentosa islandnya itu hari pertama aja... soalnya kan vivo city di depan pelbuhan harbourt, nanti baru sorenya ke marina sand bay... nah...hari keduanya baru deh ke flower dome itu...gimana kalo menurut mbak? mbak tesya ada wa atau line nggak? biar lebih seru ngobrolnya...hehehhe.

    3. Waaah penggemar tulip juga toh Mba heheh.. sama donnnk:)
      Iya bs juga day 1 ke Sentosa dulu, berarti itu backpack dibawa2 ke Sentosa tapi ya? Email dulu aja Ratih ke tar aku kasih tau no wa ku yah.

  12. siappp... sudah qemail ya mbak :)

  13. Mbak tasya, please send contact person nya dong

  14. Dian Kumalasari (Dikum)15/6/16 12:55 PM

    Mbak Tesya, udah lama nih jadi stalkernya blog mbak Tesya, minta contact personnya ya mbak ke kumalasari.dian@gmail. Plannya tahun depan mau ke exploring sing lanjut ke legoland. Thanks ya mbaa

    1. Hai Mba Dikum, contact personnya ini ya:

  15. Salam kenal mba Tesya, blog sangat informatif dan fast response. Kira2 kalau saya ada rencana ke SG tgl 13 Agustus sd 16 Agustus, temapt2 apa yang wajib dikunjungi. Thq. ya.

    1. Hai Mas Wahyu, sorry for my late reply.
      Kalau buat saya sih yang wajib:
      1. Arab Street, Haji Lane, Bugis dan sekitarnya. Termasuk makan Murtabak Zam Zam.
      2. Mustafa di Little India.
      3. Gardems By The Bay
      4. Spectra laser show di Marina Bay Sands.
      Selebihnya Mas bisa tambahin ya. Have fun di SG. P.S Sin lagi panas banget bulan2 ini..

  16. halo mbak salam kenal. saya email itu Mr Heru kok error ya ga salah kah?

    Sorry, we were unable to deliver your message to the following address.

    554: delivery error: dd This user doesn't have a account ( [0] -


    1. Maaf Mas Arif, saya salah tulis, harusnya:
      Saya update nanti tulisan di atas ya. Thank you.

  17. Thanks for your helpful and useful advise and information
