
Angkringan de BlankON - Enjoying The View of Bandung

I am a big fan of "angkringan". If you don't know what it is, "angkringan" is known as a food street, serving rice in small portion, satay (in many variance), tofu, tempeh, etc and of course the sambal. You can choose what to eat and the guy will grill the food for you.

Angkringan is easily found in Jogjakarta, but as more people love to enjoy the food at angkringan, you can find it everywehere. I once ate angkringan in Balikpapan (Kalimantan), and it taste as good as what I ate in Jogjakarta.

Now in my hometown Bandung, you can enjoy angkringan in a modern way, in a place called Angkringan de BlankOn. It is located in one of the hill of Punclut overlooking the lovely Bandung. I must say that so far Angkringan de BlankON is angkringan with the best view.  

The view from one of the corner at Angkringan de BlankON

I don't go directly to a new or happening cafes in Bandung, because I don't like the crowd. But when I found Angkringan de BlankON through instagram, I asked mr.husband to visit this place. Yes, because I love the food from angkringan.

Arriving in Bandung on Sunday morning, we exit Toll Pasteur and went directly to Dago Street. Then we turned left to Citra Green Dago, and just follow the street until we arrived in Punclut area. 30 minutes later we arrived at Angkringan de BlankOn.

A lovely Joglo Javanese House welcomed us, and I knew it from the start that I am going to love this place.

Finally arriving at Angkringan de BlankON
Cashier on the first floor
The Angkringan

Angkringan de BlankON has an indoor or outdoor area. First we sat on the seats at the balcony covered by plastic tent because the view is so gorgeous. But at our first 10 minutes, we felt very hot inside the tent, so we moved to the Javanese House.

The tents at the balcony
Bandung view in the morning

We saw a very cute stairs with the name of the restaurant as the mural. Angkringan de BlankOn is build by someone who pays attention to the details. Just look at these pictures, and I think you will agree with me.

What a creative stair
Javanese traditional murals
The wooden chairs on the 2nd floor
How I love this Javanese traditional house

We sat on the side that we could see beautiful Bandung on a Sunday morning. Our Kiddos ordered fried rice, I ordered rice with Bandeng fish and satay, mr.husband ordered Tahu Peletok and Bakwan. Only the tofu which captured by the camera:D

But it's ok, I have another reason to visit Angkringan de BlankOn, yes to take picture of the food.

Kiddos#2 with his hungry face:D
Tahu peletok and bakwan


From Angkringan de BlankOn, we could see the inviting chairs at Lereng Anteng, another famous and happening cafe in Bandung. I have never visited Lereng Anteng, but it looks very nice (but hot) in the morning.

Actually our Kiddos wanted to sit inside those tiny tent, but it was way too hot
Lereng Anteng is indeed a lovely place
Lereng Anteng is usually packed during lunch or dinner time


We went also to TAFSO for the mini golf experience. It was so fun to see all the holes has a Bandung's icon miniature, such as Pasopati Bridge and Gedung Sate.

The ticket is IDR25,000 per person, and as I didn't join the game, I paid IDR 5,000 just to accompany our Kiddos.

Dab, at the entrance fo TAFSO
The view from the lovely swing at TAFSO
The ticket counter at TAFSO

Of course our Kiddos loved TAFSO Mini Golf so much. I had to drag them to walk back to Angkringan de BlankON.

Why on earth wouldn't they love this place? The TAFSO mini golf is awesome!

Ok, enough reading the review I wrote on Angkringan de BlankON and its neighbours. I hope this place will be on your "must visit places" list in Bandung.

If you would like to avoid the crowd, visit Angkringan de BlankON at 8 am, when they just open the restaurant.

Where to Stay To Get Close to Angkringan de BlankON?

You could choose to stay at Sheraton Bandung Hotel & Towers, read our review in this link.

Padma Hotel Bandung is also close to Punclut area, you can read our review here.

written on December 22, 2016
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Bandung's Culinary


  1. aiiyooo, ga heran kalo dlm tenda kepanasan, krn ttp aja mataharinya masuk ya mbak... kalo ditutup malah jd pengap...

    tapi aku suka liaat foto2nya.. apalagi viewnya itu loh, cuaakeepp :D

    1. Iya Fan, kalau sore atau malam enggak apa-apa kali ya di tenda plastik.
      Aku suka makanan nya enak-enak :)

  2. Wah pas aku mau ke Bandung nih Bu 26-27 besok, tapi gatau deh jauh atau ngga dari tempat aku nginep (di V Hotel Sutami). I also love angkringan😁. Thanks for sharing good places Bu Tes.

    1. Enggak ada yang jauh di Bandung, Mario... Cuman macet aja kok:D
      Have fun ya liburan di Bandung nya:)

  3. beautiful places and atmosphere. I can't wait for comming in angkringan de blankon. :)

  4. Macam2 ada di Bandung ye?
    Tq for sharing...from Msia

  5. wah view-nya keren2. sayang panas ya. padahal tiap ngebayangin tentang Bandung itu, yang pertama muncul di pikiran adalah hawa-nya yang sejuk dan adem.

    1. Hehe..iya sayang banget udah enggak seadem dulu nih (:

  6. Sangat menarik ya?
    Salam dari Msia
