
Yotel Singapore: A Hi-Tech Hotel In The Heart of Orchard

My search of a hotel around Orchard Road led me to this purple hotel called Yotel Singapore. Mr.Husband was the one who introduced me to this hotel, and when I saw how purple this hotel is, I proceed with the booking.

We alight at Orchard MRT station, and walked through ION's underground to Wheelock Place, then continued taking the underground to Shaw Towers. Yotel Singapore is located at the back of Shaw Towers. The underground might be very confusing, pay attention closely to the sign heading to Shaw Towers.

The drop off area of Yotel Singapore

The Mission Control Of Yotel Singapore

Arriving at around 2 pm, we found a very crowded "Mission Control" (they call it that way instead of "lobby") of Yotel. We tried to do DIY check-in, but when we typed in my last name, the booking was not found. So I approached the reception desk, and in minutes, we got our keyroom.

The Mission Control of Yotel Singapore
Checking in at the reception

The do-it-yourself "DIY" check-in allows guest to scan passport and also get the keyroom, without having to line up at the frontdesk. How cool is that, getting your own keyroom! The same for check-out, guest also can do their DIY check-out.

The DIY check in machine

On the following day, we met the two robots at the lobby, and got the chance to take picture with both of them:) What I read from internet, the "Yobot" is to help support guests services. We didn't try their service though, but wouldn't it be amazing if a robot deliver guests' request to their rooms?

Yes, Yotel is a high tech hotel.

Meet the Yobot!

The Room With Smart Bed 

When we opened our room for the very first time, we were surprised how compact the room was. Everything is well designed, and of course the highlight is the adjustable smart bed. 

When you don't lie on the bed, keep it short. So you'll have more space in your room. By the way the bed was so comfortable:)

The smart bed technology

The hall in the lift area and also to the room are purple, loved it!

Waiting for the lift to our room
Our room is located on 22th floor

We choose the room with a view to the city and we got the view from our bathroom to the city! 

The bathroom came with a raindrop shower and all the toiletries were provided.  

The view from our smart bed to the bathroom
The bathroom
Look at those purple glasses:D

10th Floor For The Restaurant and The Pool

We didn't try the pool nor the restaurant but we went to the 10th floor to see how it looks like. The pool was so inviting, maybe next time we should stay longer to enjoy the pool.

I was going to see the pool area
A lovely pool on the 10th floor

And the restaurant which is called Grains and Hops Restaurant & Bar was so lovely. You could also order something from the resto, take it by yourself at the 10th floor to be enjoyed in your room. They call it a "food to go" option.


Although it is stated on Children Policy of booking[dot]com (as per I posted this blogpost) that "children cannot be accommodated at this hotel", I asked the Mission Control crew whether children could stay at the hotel. And the answer is yes. There's a room with bunk bed if you wish to stay here with your children.

We love staying at Yotel and recommend it if you are looking for an accommodation in the heart of Orchard Road.

written on December 25, 2017
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  1. aku kemarin juga lihat foto-foto hotel ini di kawasan yang strategis, kemarin lihat dari bbrp blogger yang diundang ke sini juga. pilhan menarik kalo liburan ke sg nih.

    1. Iya Koh, lokasinya asik banget buat belanja dan cuci mata di Orchard :)

  2. keren bgt hotelnya, ada robotnya pulaks

    1. Iya Mba Fitri, sayangnya belum dicobain nih robotnya (:

  3. Tempat tidur begitu harganya brp yaaa hahahah.. Pengen banget punyaaa :p. Kalo ntr ke singapur aku coba cek hrgnya deh mba. Kalo cucok, baru booking :p. Udh lama juga ga ke sing ih.

    1. Hahaha iya Fan, sama aku pun pengin punya. Mahal banget pastinya ya:D

  4. Mbak mau nanya. Kalau di Yotel self checkin nya harus masukin data kartu kredit kah? Lalu deposit nya berapa sgd ya? Saya udah booking di sana yg premium cabin with bunk, tp ga punya kartu kredit hehe. Terima kasih

    1. Hai Mba, generally deposit itu harga semalam kamarnya Mba. Nah saya kan waktu itu enggak bisa self check in, jadi ke counter. Tapi maaf lupa diminta cc atau enggak.

      Baiknya Mba email mereka langsung aja tanya ttg deposit ini, apakah perlu dan jumlahnya berapa ya.
