
Mimiti Coffee & Space: Where To Go For Your Morning Caffeine Fix in Bandung

I love Bandung my hometown in the morning for its fresh air and less crowded traffic. The best thing to do is to have my morning jogging then head to a coffeeshop to wait for my husband and his friends cycling.

And one day, I finally made a visit to this famous coffeeshop in Bandung called Mimiti Coffee & Space. Don't be confused by google map or waze. The place is now already moved to a new address on Jalan Sumur Bandung.

The coffeeshop was just opened, I had it for myself and few other people. I loved how serene the place was.

You may choose the outdoor or indoor area to enjoy your coffee

I approached the barista and order a cup of Flat White. He said that I had to wait a while because he's still preparing the cafe to open. I wouldn't mind at all waiting at a lovely place like Mimiti.

Let's get in :)
The baristas early in the morning

When my Flat White was ready, I went outside to enjoy Bandung's fresh air. It was such a peaceful morning :)

My cup of Flat White
Loved the chairs!

Mr.husband and Iwan, our friend came and we continued enjoying another cup of coffee. Mr.husband ordered their picollo.

I must say their coffee was delicious!

The picollo

Thank you mr.husband and Iwan for a peaceful morning at Mimiti Coffee & Space. Let's have another cycling session so that I could wait once more at Mimiti :)

The three of us

Written on February 13, 2018
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  1. weekend kemaren lewat Mimiti pas lagi sama Shasya.. tapi cuma nunjuk doang. kita sama-sama baru tau Mimiti ada di situ, kirain di manaaa gitu. hm, lain kali ke Bandung boleh nih ke Mimiti. tempatnya kayaknya enakeun..

    1. Iya Vira, aku juga baru sekali kesini dan langsung suka karena tempatnya yang luas. Enak udaranya daerah atas mah yah..
