
Miss Bee Providore: Family Friendly Restaurant in Bandung

So you are visiting Bandung and wondering where you can relax at a restaurant while the kids enjoying the playground? I would recommend you to visit Miss Bee Providore, yes this restaurant is a (very) family friendly restaurant, a kind of resto that our kiddos remember its name from our first visit.

I knew Miss Bee Providere when @LiburanAnak tweet about their visit to this famous resto in the northern part of Bandung. From the tweetpics, this place is really interesting, so I planned a visit to Miss Bee.

We went directly from Jakarta to Miss Bee, before heading to my parent's house in Bandung. From Pasteur Toll Exit, we headed to Ciumbuleit, after passing Universitas Parahyangan, we turned right to Jalan Gunung Kareumbi, and turned left to Jalan Rancabentang. It was 9 am, lucky that we could sit on the last available table in their famous glasshouse.

This is where we spent our brunch time

There are two playgrounds provided, the one for toddlers located at the back of the resto. While for the older kids like our kiddos, they enjoyed the playground located at the garden in front of the resto. They even have a rabbit house for the kids:)

Two main buildings: the glasshouse and the old house
Enjoying a recycle swing from tyres
A playground for toddlers

Before 11 am, Miss Bee only provides breakfast menu, so we ordered Eggs Benedict on our first visit for ID 49.500. Rene ordered a cup of coffee called Long Black for IDR 19.000, while I ordered My Way Juice for IDR 35,000. The portion was huge, so we shared our food. Kiddos had their breakfast already on our way to Bandung.

This was so yummy

Because we enjoyed our time as well as the food at Miss Bee so much, we visited Miss Bee once more on the following week:p On our second visit we ordered their Eggs Hemingway for IDR 59.500 (with salmon, so I guess it explained while the price is more expensive). Kiddos ordered a Chocolate Mousse for IDR 29.500.

Our Eggs Hemingway
The super yummy chocolate mousse
with a helloween background:p

If the glasshouse is full, don't worry you can still enjoy the building which used to be a house. Ciumbuleuit area is an upscale residential area, and most of the buildings were built in colonial area. That includes the house at Miss Bee. 

The old house as seen from the garden
Inside the house
I love this corner

There's also a vintage shop inside Miss Bee which sells almost everything: from cookies to a vintage chair.

Are you taking the risk to enter this shop?

During lunch time, the queue is very long, ensure you visit Miss Bee before lunch time, or for a breakfast like we did. I feel at home when I am enjoying our family time at Miss Bee. And as far as I remember, there are only a few restaurant which can make me feel that way. 

Miss Bee Providere
Jalan Rancabentang no 11, Ciumbuleuit no.11 A - Bandung
Phone: 022-2033613

written on September 18, 2014 by @tesyasblog

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  1. Replies
    1. Yup indeed Angki, Thanks for stopping by.

  2. Ah aku mau kesini, sering lewat tp ngak perna berhenti. Ternyata makanan nya yummyyyyyyy

    1. Iya jangan lewat aja Kak, ayo mampir :)

  3. Cantiiik banget tempatnya. Bandung memang selalu menakjubkan :))

    1. Iya Kak, enggak ada habisnya ya restoran baru hehehe

  4. Makasih kakak infonya esok kami sekeluarga akan ke bandung

    1. Sama sama Mbak, have fun di Bandung ya :)

  5. kak fotonya boleh aku pake ga buat tugas blog?? makasih sebelumnya kaak

    1. Boleh Dek, tapi tolong ditulis sumber dari yah :)
