
Jogjakarta's Culinary: Sate Klathak Pak Pong

I visited Jogjakarta  a while ago with my friend Lala (@oilala) and Dina (@dinavirgianti). We attended the launching of our book "Ransel Mini Keliling Dunia" at Gramedia Jogjakarta. But other than that, we would like to have a culinary tour around the lovely city.

Arriving at lunch time, we were confused what we should choose for our lunch. I really wanted to try food that I haven't tried before in Jogjakarta. Lucky me Lala knows all those must visit restaurants in Jogjakarta. She then introduced me to Sate (Satay) Klathak Pak Pong.

The restaurant seen from its parking place on its opposite

From the airport, we headed south to Bantul area. It took one hour to get to Sate Klathak Pak Pong. Lala has warned us that we will have to wait quiet long for our sate, which was understood as the Sate Klathak should be grilled first, manually.

What's so unique about this place? Of course it's the what so called  "klathak". I asked Lala how's this sate got klathak name. "The stick of the satay is made from wire spoked bicycle wheel. And when being grilled, the iron will sound klathak-klathak" Lala explained. I checked the grill area, I was amazed by the quantity of sate klathak which were being grilled, but didn't hear the sound of "klathak-klathak". Well I guess I didn't stay long enough at the grill area, because of the smoke:p

The grill area is located at the front of the restaurant
Look at those wire spoked bicycle wheel

Other than Sate Klathak, you can also order soup (gulai kambing or tongseng), all of them are made from goat. Not really my favorite, however I loved the taste of Sate Klathak! Oh well yes, satay is my favorite food.

The menu

We ordered Sate Klathak and Tongseng. We were so happy when the food was finally served. 

Our happy and hungry face :)
The satay was very big!

If you are looking for a culinary journey in Jogjakarta, this place must be visited! Most people come for dinner. Well, it was really hot at midday, sitting inside a restaurant without any aircon. So if you are able to choose, I would recommend dinner time.

Not only the food, but you can also make the tour to their kitchen. Do not forget to include Sata Klathak Pak Pong for your next trip to Jogjakarta.

The traditional stove

written on June 21, 2016 by @tesyasblog

Related Posts:

Jogjakarta's Culinary


  1. waduh bukanya jam sekarang, langsung keruyukan hehe

    1. Iya Kak Noni, aku pun pas nulis pengen makan lagi hehehe..

  2. hiks jam 12 siang masih mba he he he

    menggiurkan bgt ..pgn juga deh

    1. Hahaha iya, masih lama ke jam buka ya:D

  3. Sate Pak Pong emang ngehits banget, saya tiap hari lewat situ mbak kalau mau ke kantor. Tapi orang Bantul malah jarang yang jajan ke situ, porsinya dikit banget ;)

    1. Hahahaha dikit ya porsinya? Wah enggak kebayang saya kalau tiap hari lewatin Sate Klathak Pak Pong, bisa tahan godaan ga ya?:D

  4. pasti nya aku hrs nyobain sate klathak kalo ke jogja.. itu aku liat penjualnya, megang tusukan satenya pake tangan gitu, apa ga panas ya besinya? ato udh tebiasa :D? mba itu harga seporsi berapaan?satenya brp tusuk kalo seporsi? aku prnh liat di sate klathak yg lain, cuma 2 tusuk gitu.. emg gede bgt ya, sampe cuma disajikan dikit?

    1. Satenya satu porsi cuman 2 tusuk Fan, nah berhubung enggak bayar sendiri, jadi enggak merhatiin harganya (:

      Gede banget emang Fan, jadi satu keping bisa dipotong2 kecil, 2 tusuk udah pasti kenyang deh (at least aku sih kenyang) hehehe..
