
Cape Tourville, the Freycinet National Park

To wrap up our half day visit at the Freycinet National Park, we visited Cape Tourville after visiting the stunning Honeymoon Bay. Suddenly the sunshine went away and replaced by the thick dark cloud. I was to tired and decided to stay in our car, so did Ijul and her kiddos. While Rene and Arul went inside the Cape Tourville.

Rene and Arul had to pass the pathway heading to the lookout.

And when they reached the lookout, stunning view of the cape was a bonus for them who had to deal with very cold wind.

Too bad they couldn't go inside the lighthouse, as it was locked. But of course rene took a picture of the beautiful lighthouse. It was constructed in 1971, with 11 m height. 

I might say that every corner of the Freycinet National Park is very beautiful, so make sure you also include Tasmania if you plan visiting Australia. Especially if you go to Melbourne, because it's only less than an hour away by plane.

written on January 13, 2013 by @tesyasblog

Tag: liburan ke Tasmania, roadtrip keliling Tasmania, self drive di Tasmania, mengunjungi Freycinet National Park

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Boxing Day in Melbourne

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Honeymoon Bay


  1. I love that part of the world. I think that many people skip Tasmania when they go to Australia but I agree with you... It should not be missed!

    1. Hi Adam, thanks for visiting our blog. Yes eventhough it was a short visit, but Tasmania was the highlight of our first ever Aussie trip. Well, not too mention our ticket problem with Garuda Indonesia.

      I hope your problem with Air Asia will be resolved and you'll get a win win solution.

  2. Hai Mbak Tesya , gara-gara terprovokasi cerita mbak ...saya akan memasukkan Tasmania di Iten ke OZ bulan Agustus depan . Cuman jalurnya terbalik he he he plan saya : Melbourne-Launceston-Cradle Mountain-Hobart-Sydney
    ada advise mbak ? rencananya 5 hari 4 malam untuk bisa explore ke beberapa tempat di Tasmania , Thanks yaaa ( Nurul )

    1. Hai Nurul, wah lagi musim dingin donk ya.. coba googling ada tempat ski dimana di Tasmania (eh ada ga ya) wajib tuh dikunjungi.
      Kalau di Tas punya 5 hari 4 malam berarti bisa dapet Wineglass Bay sama Cradle Mountain sekaligus. Kok Wineglass Bay nya ga ada di jadwal sih? It is very beautiful!

  3. Mbak Tesya , lihat salju-nya di Snowy Mountain aja pas melipir ke Canberra ... Wineglass Bay nya di mana tuh mbak ? masuk wilayah Launceston atau Cradle Mountain ?

    1. Kan aku lagi summer, aku ga ke sana deh. Nah itu yang aku mau tanya, Nurul 5 hari di Tas tapi ga ke Wineglass Bay. How come? It was my main reason visiting Tasmania. Keren abis...Dari Launceston sekitar 2,5 jam.

  4. He he he masih binun Mbak makanya mau tanya suhu-nya , Wineglass Bay dari Launceston itu searah / sejalan menuju ke Cradle Mountain ? rencana awal sih dari Launceston menuju ke Cradle baru kemudian dari Cradle ke Hobart . Tapi klu memang satu jalan spt.nya harus diubah rute-nya : Launceston - Wineglass Bay - Cradle M. - Hobart ........ gimana tuh Mbak ?

    1. Hahah bukan suhu kali, saya juga baru sekali kesana. Kalau mau ke Wineglassbay berarti dari Cradle harus detour ke Launceston lagi, baru ke Wineglassbay. Nginep semalam di wineglassbay mungkin? Terus baru ke Hobart..

  5. Waktu itu Mbak Tesya nggak jadi ke Cradle Mountain ?

  6. Ga Nurul karena waktu kami terbatas, 3 hari aja. Jadi kami pilih wineglassbay dengan view mana tahan itu...
