
Tomita Melon House: Having The Best (And Most Expensive) Melon Ice Cream Ever

So you've read our post about Farm Tomita and also the chairlift at Nakafurano. What else to do in Furano? If you are taking the train from Furano to Lavender Farm Station, you will hardly miss the Tomita Melon House which is located just next to Farm Tomita .

The giant melon was very eye catching, and it represents that everything in this place are made from melon; melon ice cream, melon buns, melon snacks, melon fruit taart, melon everything:D 

Our expensive vanilla ice cream on a Japanese melon:)

Taking Pictures at The Entrance

First thing first, because it was raining a bit, we hurried taking pictures at the entrance with the giant melon, the beautiful lupine flowers and tractor. 

How I wish the sky was not so cloudy that day. We could have had better pictures.

With the giant melon
With the tractor
Hello again lupine flowers, you are so beautiful!

At the entrance area

Let's Go To The Cafe To Have The Melon Ice Cream

Because it was raining, everyone stayed inside the cafe. And we were confused which one to choose because everything was so expensive (at least for us).

The Melon Cafe
The cafe was packed that day by tourists
We choose the half melon to be shared by the four of us
You can also buy the whole melon

We decided to try the half melon with vanilla ice cream which cost around JPY800, OMG so expensive! But we were that far, so we have to try the melon ice cream. Yup what an excuse to splurge at Tomita Melon House:D

By the way, the ice cream melted really fast. So hurry up and take your picture:)

Paying the most expensive ice cream ever..
Our ice cream were being prepared
Bon apetit!
I didn't know that melon and ice cream gets along really well. Delicious!

Pizza For Lunch

Not only the expensive ice cream, we also bought pizza at Tomita Melon House, because our Kiddos#1 doesn't like melon.

The pizza was also expensive, but it was lunch time and we didn't pack anything for our lunch from Furano. My mistake! 

Actually the food at Farm Tomita  is reasonably priced. So if you are looking for food to eat, better to have it at Farm Tomita's cafe.

The whole pizza cost us JPY2,000
The cheese pizza

When we were eating the pizza, we saw a purple vespa which belongs to Farm Tomita, it was so cute!

And you read the sign, do not bring anything to Farm Tomita from the Tomita Melon House:D

Hey there purple!

Before leaving Tomita Melon House, we bought another ice cream for Kiddos#2. I guess we've spent our daily budget that day only at Tomita Melon House:D

But the soft ice cream here was the best that I have ever tried so far. And it tasted much better than the lavender ice cream at Farm Tomita. Hahaha.

Is this place worth a visit? Yes. Just be aware with melon stuffs here, because the everything is so expensive.
Ice cream, anyone?

written on August 17, 2017
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  1. hi mba,,,baru dikasih link dirimu sama temen,,

    curious...kalo es krim kek gini halal ga ya? aku kmren ke jepang ga berani beli apapun yang ga pake label halal...ada tips memilih makanan yang ga ada label halalnya ga mbk?
    ayway thanks ya

    1. Hai Mbak, aku enggak tau es krim ini halal atau enggak, pun lavender eskrim ataupun matcha eskrim yg aku suka makan di Jepang.

      Tapi kalau Mbak mau makan eskrim, yg halal kayanya merk Meiji. Aku pernah googling soalnya.

      Tips memilih makanan yg ga ada halal labelnya? Googling sih Mba. Misalnya biskuit Tokyo Milk Cheese itu, setelah aku googling ternyata enggak halal.

      Coklat yg halal pun Meiji, jadi kalau ketemu Meiji, boleh borong.

  2. everything about Melon, how cute. Kalau disajikan unik gitu, yang tadinya ngga suka melon, mungkin bakal tergoda buat nyobain juga ya kak. AKu langsung ngebayangin manisnya es krim yang ditaruh di atas melon itu. Yummmy :)

    1. Hahahah iya Uchi..apa kita buat ya di sini. Beli melon, terus bawa ke McD, minta ice cream cone nya heheh :)

  3. Boleh saya masukin list itin ke jepun ya bu tesya... rekomen bgt sepertinya

    1. Boleh banget donk Mas Muslih, ini kan sebelahan ama Tomita Farm. Jadi kalau ke Tomita, pasti liat Melon House ini.
