
Unforgettable Experience in Cappadocia: Organic Breakfast From Kelebek Cave Hotel

Cappadocia is not only about the balloons hunting or the balloons ride. This place is special for us also because of the experience staying at Kelebek Cave Hotel. I haven't written my review about the hotel yet, but as I am trying to have a healthy lifestyle at the moment, I would like to share with you about our Organic Breakfast which was provided by the hotel.

When I sent email to the hotel before booking our rooms, I asked the hotel regarding the Organic Breakfast. The hotel staff replied my email and said that the breakfast is free for the guests staying at Kelebek Cave Hotel. What lovely!

On our third morning at Cappadocia, we were transferred by a tractor from the hotel to one farm located down the hill. And when we got there, the fresh and organic vegetables welcome us. For sure, it was an unforgettable experience that we had in Cappadocia.

Look at those yummy food!

The Ride On The Tractor

It wasn't our normal view at the hotel: we saw a huge tractor! Mr.Ali, the owner of the hotel took us to his farm using the beautiful tractor.

It was a gloomy morning, but the view around Cappadocia is really amazing.

Mr. Ali with the hat
The view from our tractor

Arriving At The Valley

After about 20 minutes ride, we alight at one stop and continued walking down to the valley. The path was not for everyone, so my parents were transferred directly to the valley using the tractor, while everyone else choose to walk.

Mr.Ali told us that when he was little, he had to carry food all the way down to the valley. I couldn't imagine how to carry food going down a steep hill like this. I tried really hard not to fall when I went down the hill:D

Yes, we were almost there
Kiddos#2 was happy that he was given a wooden stick
Going all the way down!

Let's Enjoy The Breakfast

We finally arrived at our destination, and we went directly to the dining table, where all the food were ready. We fell in love with Turkish healthy breakfast!

Just arrived
Our group that morning
Kiddos were enjoying their bread and omelette
Healthy breakfast in a beautiful place
Fresh honey bee, anyone?

Sightseeing In The Valley

Before leaving the valley, Mr.Ali took us around and explained to us about the building in the valley where he and his family used to leave. 

Meanwhile, our Kiddos were enjoying the moment, with a hammock and a dog we met there.

Let's get back to sleep after breakfast:D
A lovely dog :)

Going Back To Kelebek Cave Hotel

After the unforgettable morning in the valley, we hopped on to the tractor once again and went back to the hotel.

We finally met mr.sunshine which made our tractor covered. And the surrounding area look more beautiful with the sunshine.

It was for sure an unforgettable experience we had in Kelebek Cave Hotel. Make sure you register for their Organic Breakfast.

written on December 14, 2017
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Related Posts:
Kelebek Cave Hotel Review
Organic Breakfast Farm from Kelebek Cave Hotel
Butterfly Ballon: Our Hot Air Balloon Experience in Cappadocia


  1. Ini cave hotel nya udh lama aku masukin wishlist. Pgn bgt rasain nginep di hotel begitu. Lgs mingkem liat tangga turun ke bawahnya hahaha, curam amat. Tp aku pasti mau jg ke lembahnya sih..

    Dulu ke turki cm istanbul, itupun sebentar bgt. Hrs ksana lg, datangin bbrp kota lainnya :D

    1. Iya Fanny, aku ngeliat IG temen yang ke Cappadocia pas salju keren banget!

      Ahahaha, jalanannya walaupun curam tapi at the end kan asik makan enak Fan:D

  2. hai mbaa..aku lagi cari-cari hotel nih di cappadocia trus nyasar kesini hehe.. menurut mbak, bagusan kelebek or sultan cave yaa? makasih ya mbak:)

    1. Wah enggak bias jawab karena belum pernah di Sultan Cave Mba. Tapi aku suka Kelebek karena ada organic farm breakfast nya itu :)
