

Vienna's Schoenbrunn Place is the most attractive tourist destination in Vienna. We also visited Pandorf factory outlet, if you come to europe for shopping, this place is worth visiting. And of course Salzburg, everyone's destination, the view there is stunning.

Czech Republic
If you ask me what is the best city of my east europe trip, Praque is the answer! I love river, and the buildings and bridge surrounding Vlatva river are just amazing. We visited also other cities in Czech Republic, and there are so impressive. Read how memorable it was for me visiting Czech Republic here.

We were there when the celebration of Oktoberfeest were still going on, how lucky we are. Read our stories visiting Munich here.

I only visited Budapest, and the city is really unique with so many old buildings in the city. The danube river is very beautiful. Budapest is really impressive.

Turkey is our next dream destination! Though only visiting Istanbul airport for a transit in the east europe trip, it was a good start to plan my visit to Turkey with Rene:p

Updated: we visited Turkey at last (July 2016). We spent 14 days at Istanbul and Cappadocia. Find our stories on tesyasblog and also on tesyaskinderen.


  1. Hai mb tesyas,

    Salam kenal. Saya erika dan tertarik dg trip east europe di blog ini. Bisa info travel agent yg mb pilih?trims sebelumnya

    1. Hallo Mba Erika, salam kenal juga ya... Saya waktu ke Eropa ikut tour dari kantor, kami pergi dengan Golden Rama. Bukannya enak pergi sendiri ya mba? Lebih bebas dan seru..hehe..

  2. Great Europe trip, i haven't been to any of them :( :(

    1. Hi..thanks for visiting our blog. Hope you'll be visiting Europe soon :)

  3. wah keren jurnal perjalanannya

  4. Wow awesome, really love your blog, I have visited some of them, now I am encouraging my little one to do the same through your blog. Thanks, keep writing. I am one of your fans 😄
