Tram to The Peak Hongkong

This is my second time going to Victoria Peak, and I really wished to have a sunny day, in order to have the best view from the Peak of Hongkong. But when we landed at Hongkong, we realize that it's kind of very cloudy. No wonder that the weather forecast said that the sunny day will start on Sunday, the day we'll be in Spore! So during our stay in Hongkong, the forecast said that it was going to be cloudy days with rain in the morning! Not a good news for us. Anyway, the itinerary must go on, so still we went to Victoria Peak on the first day we arrived in Hongkong.

From our hotel, we walked for about ten minutes to the Ferry Pier, we're taking the ferry to Central. As you may know, Hongkong consist of some islands; Lantau (disneyland and the airport is on this island), Kowloon (where we stayed), and Hongkong or the Central. Victoria Peak is located in the Central, so we have to take ferry first from Kowloon to Central. You can also go my MTR from TST to Central, but we wanted to try any kind of transportation, that's why we're taking the ferry instead.

The ferry has two decks, better to seat in the upper deck, but please be advised that the gate for the upper and lower deck at the ferry pier is different. The price is also different, for the upper deck we paid HKD 2.20, whilst for lower deck, the price is slightly cheaper. We can pay by cash or by octopus card. We had to wait for a while to wait for the ferry.

It was a great choice to take the ferry instead of MTR, the view from the ferry is beautiful. We can see Hongkong's skyscrapers through our ferry's window.

The ferry was only 10 minutes drive, and we arrived at the Central Pier.

We walked to the nearby bus stop as written in our details itinerary (by the way, anyone who wish to get our itinerary in details, pls email me) and we took bus 15C that took us to Victoria Peak Lower Tram Station. The bus cost HKD 4.20, and it stopped just opposite the ticket counters of Victora Peak.

At the locket counter, we bought only a return ticket for peak tram, which cost HKD 36. There are three choices of ticket: tram's return ticket only (HKD 36 adult, HKD 16 children), tram return ticket plus sky terrace (HKD 56 adult, HKD 26 children), and the second one plus madame tussaud ticket (HKD 200 adult, HKD 100 children). Dini and Emas cancelled going inside Madame Tussaud because the price was not worth it. So we decided to buy tram ticket only, cause we didn't know what sky terrace was. Later on I'll tell you, it was a mistake!

We walked inside and queue up for the tram. Remember to sit on the right side of the tram so that you can take pictures of Hongkong. We let the right seats for our husbands, while I and Dini sat on the left side. Ohhh dear God, the fog covers Hongkong that day, so we couldn't see the best view (again!). What a pitty.
The tram ride was very unique and scary, I didn't understand how an indian guy keep on standing during the ride to take pictures!

Arriving at the peak, we went upstairs inside the malls where we can find madame tussaud, crocs, giordano, burger king, and many other resto. By the way, we found this cool candy shop, and they provide DROPJES, kind of candy that I only found in the Netherlands in my whole life! I was really surprised and a bit panic that I could buy them in Hongkong! OMG..

Then we finally at the top, and saw the escalator going up where we have to give tickets. Suddenly I felt so stupid why didn't we buy tram+sky terrace ticket! Separate tickets cost HKD 25 for each person, meaning HKD 5 more expensive per person than buying the tram+sky terrace ticket. Oh no.. When we bought the sky terrace ticket, the lady showed a tv monitor and told us the weather was not so good upstairs. But we still bough the tickets hoping miracle will wipe all the fog:p
The view is so breathtaking on the top, yes it could have been better on sunny days:p But still much much better than the last time I visited the Peak. I couldn't see any buildings that time.

It was at about 5pm, not many visitors were on the top, so we really enjoyed it. Rene and Emas keep on praying that the fog will go away to take better pictures. But until 30 minutes staying upstairs, the fog didn't go away. So we left the peak in a deep disappointment.

We tried to go to the opposite mall, to find halal foods. But all the resto contains pork. So we just hang around until about 5.30, and took the tram back to the lower station. Bye the Peak, we'll come back someday and hope to visit you next time on a sunny day!
We went to the Central pier again, taking bus 15C. This time we were lucky that we got an open air bus on the second floor. So everyone was busy taking pictures of the Central, the financial district of Hongkong, with its impressive lighting. They have shopping malls, and also branded outlets. We were really impressed with the lighting of the buildings.

All this buildings we'll be the center of Symphony of Light that will start on 8pm daily. So we're hurry taking the ferry back to Tsim Tsa Sui, and get ready to watch the talk of the town: laser show.

tag: liburan ke Hongkong, naik tram ke The Peak, naik ferry dari Kowloon ke Hongkong

Purchase our published book: Family Backpacking Hong Kong (Published by Elexmedia).


  1. Ibu Tesyas,
    Saya(feriani) telah membaca tulisan ibu ttg perjalanan Hongkong-Macau, sangat bagus juga foto2nya. Pertengahan Juni ini saya akan ke Hk-Macau (tanpa ikut tour), saya tertarik utk mengunjungi Festival Walk yg ada di Kowloon Tong krn hendak membeli Thomas The Train (spt referensi dari Ibu).
    Boleh saya tanya di lantai berapakah counter Thomas tsb ? mengingat mall tsb adalah mall yg besar. Tks a lot

  2. Dear Feriani, wah senangnya mau jalan-jalan. Di Festival Walk saya lupa lantai berapa, tapi seingat saya naiknya sampai berkali kali elevator. Jadi kemungkinan lantai 3. Atau lihat aja shop directory nya. Oya, kalo suka Thomas, Bossini nya lagi ngeluarin seri Thomas. Bagus bagus deh..Selamat belanja ya

  3. Ibu Tesya,

    Tks u/replynya, boleh saya tanya lagi u/ice cream di Macau apakah shopnya ada di dekat Senado Square ?

  4. Hai Feriani, iya ice cream nya itu di gang-gang di senado square. Banyakkk sekali toko kecil yang lucu lucu. I miss Macau hehe

  5. Ibu Tesya, tks sekali lagi u/replynya n blognya sangat membantu kami u/explore ke HK-Macau. Salam untuk keluarga.

  6. Salam kenal bu tesya, mohon bantuanya bu itinerary nya di email ke saya boleh ? Krn bbrp bulan ke depan saya berencana ke HK :) trm ksh

    1. Aduh Mas, telah banget deh, saya baru baca komen nya (:
      Pasti udah telat ya kalo saya kirim itin nya. Anyway, semoga trip nya ke HK menyenangkan ya.

  7. Salam kenal bu Tesya, saya Rychy mohon bantuanya buat nyusun intenerary, karena bulan Februari 2016 saya berencana ke HK, thank's

  8. Salam kenal bu tesya, sy regina...awal januari kami akan berlibur ke hongkong, mohon bantuannya untuk menyusun intinerary. Alamat email sy di terimakasih banyak atas bantuannya ya...

  9. Salam kenal bu tesya, sy regina...awal januari kami akan berlibur ke hongkong, mohon bantuannya untuk menyusun intinerary. Alamat email sy di terimakasih banyak atas bantuannya ya...

  10. aku jg mau dikirimin itin boleh ga mbak? hehe
    terima kasih sblmnya..

  11. mbak tesya... saya mohon dikirimkan email itinerary juga ya 😊😊😊 Terimakasih banyak.. email saya

  12. Salam kenal mbak tesya....saya mau juga dikirim itinnya....terimakasih sebelumnya saya

  13. Mba tesya salam kenal.. Makasih yah artikel nya membantu sekali... Mau tanya saya bingung antara 2 hotel yaitu jj hotel dan ibis central sheung wan.. Pertimbangan di jj hotel dekat makanan halal, kalau di ibis ingin dapat view harbournya.. Kalau di daerah sheung wan ramai juga ga yah? Makanan halal banyak tidak? Oh iya saya jg mau minta itinerary nya mba tesya.. Ke Saya berangkat mei 2016.. Makasih banyak sebelumnya yah mba :)

    1. Hai Mba Rila, thanks juga ya udah mampir ke blog kami.
      Ibis Sheung Wan ramai juga daerahnya, tapi saya enggak tau mengenai makanan halal daerah sana Mba. Memang sih kalau di JJ enggak ada view sama sekali hehe.
      Saya email ya Mba itin saya waktu pergi sama anak-anak.

  14. Hii mb tasya, salam kenal, aq ada rencana ke HK abis lebaran, klo boleh aq minta itin nya yaaa, pasti sgt membantu bgt, pliss kirim ke, makasiiii sebelumnyaaa😊

  15. Dear Mbak Tesya,
    terimakasih informasi di blognya,
    mohon saya bisa dikirimin itinarynya mbak, saya dan keluarga akan ke HK Ags ini :)

    1. Mas saya kirim by email ya, tapi adanya yang saya sama keluarga.
      Untuk itin detailnya (plus budget), Mas bisa liat di buku kami, Family Backpacking Hong Kong ya.

  16. Hi Mba Tesya,
    Itenerary Mba Tesya brp lama mba?
    Aku sama teman2 rencana ke HK Jan 2017 5D 4N mba..
    Bisa share itenerary dirimu mba :)
    Kalau boleh email k ya mba, many thanks in advanced ;)

    1. Hai Mba, yang waktu 2010 ini aku 4 hari. Aku kirim itinerary yang Feb 2013 aja ya.

  17. Salam alayk mbak tiesya
    Saya bakal ke hong kong february 2017
    Selama 5-6 hari. Bila share itenarary?

    1. Hai Nuri, aku adanya itinerary waktu sama anak-anak...Dan itu ke tempat permainan anak-anak aja. Gimana, masih mau?

  18. hi mbak, mau itinerary bersama anak-anak.. bisa email ke

  19. Hai mbak,bisa share itinerary ke hong kong bersama anak2?kerna sy bakal ke hong kong bersama anak2 yg masih kecil.ini email sy ya:

    Makasih ya😊

    1. Mba, udah telat banget belum ya, aku kirim aja anyway ya Mba :)

  20. Hallo kak.,
    BOleh aku minta itinerarynya?
    Ini email aku:

    Terima kasih sebelumnya :)

    1. Mba, udah telat banget belum ya, aku kirim aja anyway ya Mba :)

  21. halo mbk Tesya, salam kenal...rencana agustus ini mau ke hk dan macau bersama anak...boleh saya dikirim itinnya? thx sblmnya.

  22. Hallo mba tesya, aku jeremy salam kenal ya. Kita sekeluarga rencana 3 bulan kedepan ingin ke HK dan macau bersama anak.boleh di kirim itinnya ke,,, Makasih sebelumnya.

    1. Hai Mas, salam kenal ya. Aku sent ya itinerary nya.

  23. Salam kenal mbak tesya....saya mau juga dikirim itinnya....terimakasih sebelumnya saya

    1. Mba, aku adanya yg HK ama anak-anak. Nanti aku email ya.

  24. mbak.. salam kenal, mbak mau itinerary nya boleh mbak? makasih

    1. Hai Mbak Windy, silahkan email ke ya
