Budget Traveling: A Weekend Getaway in Singapore

Rp 2 Juta: 3 Hari 2 Malam di Singapura

When I offered my colleagues to spend a weekend getaway in Singapore with a maximum budget of IDR 2,000,000 (including airfare ticket, hostel, transport, daily meals and a ticket to try the Sky Luge in Sentosa), 11 person signed up, that made 12 participants including myself.

I booked promo ticket from Jetstar in November 2014, for the travel period in January 2015. Our ticket cost IDR 800,000 per person including tax, leaving for Singapore on Friday night at 9.30 pm, and returning to Jakarta on Sunday morning. There were 10 person from the same division, so we couldn't take leave.

Arrived safely in Changi Airport, at midnight

Sleeping at Changi

We were lucky to be able to sleep at Changi without having to experience any ticket checking at 3 am (as I read on some of the blogs). We slept at rest area section in T2, but it was super cold!

Bring your own blanket if you plan to sleep at Changi!

In the morning, I and my friend were the two person who first cleared the immigration. We were being asked why we stayed so long inside Changi, and the officer told us that we should have cleared the immigration right after our arrival at Changi. Didn't know what else I should say, so I said "sorry".

I guess she was upset because the system with the list of passengers of our flight was already locked, and that she had to do something with it. 

The rest of the team who cleared the immigration 30 minutes later, didn't get any question at all from the officers! Well, sometimes life could be so unfair! Hahaha...

Anyway we were ready to explore Singapore that day started with taking the MRT to Aljunied Station. We wanted to have a cheap and halal breakfast at Ananas Cafe.

Sentosa Broadwalk

We left our luggage at the hostel Coziee Lodge in Geylang area. The hostel located only 5 minutes away by walking from Kallang MRT station. There's some halal restaurants around the hostel, and also a bus stop at the opposite of the hostel. Really recommended!

Afterwards we took bus number 80 to Vivo City. We wanted anything for free including going to Sentosa! So, we didn't take monorail from Vivo City (which cost SGD 3.5 per person), instead, we walked by a travelator via Sentosa Broadwalk. As a bonus we could enjoy taking pictures session with Sentosa as the background.

How to use this Sentosa Broadwalk? I have posted in our other blog tesyaskinderen the detail when we crossed over from Vivo City to Sentosa.

The Sentosa Broadwalk will take you right to Resort World Sentosa. We took pictures first in front of Singapore Trick Eye Museum.

The "newly wed" couple posed at the Trick Eye Museum:p

Sky Luge at Sentosa

Actually I would like to try this Sky Luge because we didn't have the chance to try it when we were at Sky Gondola & Luge, Queenstown New Zealand.

All of us agreed to spend money on the Sky Luge because we thought it's gonna be fun. And well yes it was, and it worth the money we spent! 

I always recommend anyone visiting Sentosa to try this Sky Luge, and I will keep giving the same advice, because I have tried it myself.

Before taking the luge

It was a lovely view to enjoy from the Sky Luge :)

A magnificent view from the Sky Luge

A Short Visit to Orchard

Yes we visited Orchard because it's the first visit to Singapore for some of my friends. We went to Wisma Atria to buy Garrets Pop Corn, and of course I went to Paragon for the free wifi and a visit to Toys R Us (as always):p

In front of ION Orchard

Then we took bus number 7 from Lucky Plaza to Bugis Village to do some shopping.

Saturday Night in Singapore

We had a nap at the hostel and took shower before enjoying our Saturday night in Singapore. We headed to Lau Pa Sat for our dinner, then went to Merlion Park to take pictures. From Merlion, we took bus 130 to Mustafa shopping center and spent some hours there until midnight:p

Satay party at Lau Pa Sat

Budget and Itinerary Singapore Weekend Getaway

Ticket: IDR 800,000
Airport tax in Soekarno Hatta: IDR 150,000
Hostel: IDR 200,000 for one night (booked a promo rate at Agoda)
Ez-Link top up: SGD 10 (it was enough because we took buses most of the time)
Top up Singtel: SGD 8
Sky Luge Sentosa: SGD 15
Meals on Day 2:
- Ananas Cafe: SGD 5
- Sedap Food Court Vivo City: SGD 8
- Lau Pa Sat Satay with drink: SGD 10
Taxi to the airport on day 3 per person: SGD 5 (we had to take the taxi to catch our flight at 8 am)
Others : snacking (Old Chang Kee!), mineral waters, souvenirs etc: SGD 39
Total: IDR 1,150,000 and SGD 100

Day1: Arrival at Changi and sleep overnight at Changi.
Day2: Sentosa, Orchard Road, Bugis Village, Lau Pa Sat, Merlion Park and Mustafa Shopping Center.
Day3: Go to the airport early in the morning.

It was our weekend getaway story, and yes we have a plan to go somewhere else on another budget trip!

written on March 10, 2015 by @tesyasblog

Looking for any reference what to do in Singapore? Download our Singapore e-book for FREE!


  1. Wahh tidur di changi kan duingiin bgtt..
    eh gw belom permah loh naik Luge itu..hihihi..abis kyknya childish bgt :p

    Just posted The Traveling Cows | Lombok Culinary : Our lunch at The Chili

    1. Ih Vari, asyik kok, patut dicoba lah...:D
      Iya bo..dingin minta ampun!

  2. Kapan-kapan kalo ke sana lagi nyoba sky Luge ah. Lupa terus.

  3. dan saya ndak pernah nyobain sky luge haha

    1. Haha ini pun nyoba karena penasaran:D

  4. keren mbaaa tulisannya, bisa jalan-jalan murmer :))

    1. Hehe, thank you.. Iya harus murmer, baru temen2ku mau ikut:D

    2. salah satu hal yang dicari apabila berpergian adalah murmer..hihi :P

    3. Hehehe..iya setuju banget, apalagi kurs SGD lagi selangit..

  5. hahahah iyaa nih, aku juga lagi nyoba bikinin trip murah ke SG buat beberapa temen yg belum pernah ke sana, semoga berhasil :D

    1. Seneng rasanya kalo bisa ngajakin temen-temen dengan biaya murah :)

  6. dulu itu 2013 pgn nyoba mbaaa... secara aku ga bisa ke USS krn lg hamil 6 bln... eh trnyata sky luge ini jg menolak -__-.. pdhl kan cuma duduk doang gitu yaa... ga ada serem2nya... kalo skr g prnh trtarik lg, krn aku prefer naik rollercoaster drpd sky luge :D Lbh naikin adrenalin

    1. Hahaha kalo aku sih ga suka roller coaster...:D

  7. Kangen tidur di changi, dah 1,5 th lebih ngak landing disana hua hua hua #penting

    1. Wah kok bisa gitu? Kak Cumi sibuk berlibur ke tempat lain sih.

  8. Bu tesya...sedap food court vivo city ada di lantai berapakah? Putar putar keliling cari yang halal ujung2nya nemu fast food king burger aja...

    1. Hai Mba, di basement 2. Kalau jalan dari MRT Harbourfront, begitu masuk area mall langsung belok kanan, Sedap food court ada di pojok.

  9. Hai mba tesya

    Saya mau tanya kl naik bus tanpa Ezlink, caranya bagaimana ya? bayar di supir dambil bilang mau tempat tujuannya atau langsung bayar tanpa bilang tempat tujuan?

    Terimakasih sebelumnya

    1. Hai Mbak, maaf baru balas komen-nya
      Iya tanya supir aja fare nya dan bilang tujuan nya mau kemana. Tapi musti pake uang pas ya.

  10. Next time count me in ya mbak ;)

  11. wah, asyik bener nih..
    rasanya pngn keliling dunia..apalgi bersama teman2..pasti lebih asyik.. :D

  12. Tidur di Changi itu pengalaman banget ya Kak aku kedinginan sampe minum tolak angin biar paginya tetep fit haha. Kak Tesya bagi tipsnya dong biar dapet tiket promo. Aku masih amatir banget nih.

    1. Hahahha kapok ah, cukup sekali aja:D
      Stay tune pas AA Big Sale Kak, aku sih selalu masuk day 1 subuh jam 4 gitu. Lancar itu aksesnya.

  13. coba tidur di snooze lounge T1 lantai paling atas deket smooking area...nyaman banget, gk seberapa dingin dan waktu buka mata viewnya bagus banget (baca: pesawat parkir) :D :D

    1. Noted Mba Yuni, makasih infonya ya :)
