A bit difficult to make a title of this post. We didn't eat Penang local food a lot when we were there. So by this title, what I really mean was "what to eat in Penang" :p
As recommended by Tripadvisor forum, we ate at the Long Beach Hawker Center which located only 5 minutes away from Golden Sands Hotel. Well, in our case, it was somehow a 10 minutes walk. It's a huge hawker center with many variety of food.

We were told to try the spring rolls, but the stall was close. So we ordered the Char Koay Teow for RM 4,5 from a Moslem's stall. It was really delicious.

Next to the Moslem's stall, I found a halal pizza, so we ordered a meat lover pizza for RM 20. It taste really good as well.

Rene ordered Kebab for RM 15.

Another place we visited was the Nasi Kandar. You may see the Nasi Kandar resto all over Penang, it's a resto serving Indian food. The one we visited was recommended by our driver. We ate their Murtabak and the fried chicken with nasi kandar. I didn't like the food, but I really enjoyed the ice teh tarik.

We also tried ice cream at the Maxim's bakery on our first visit to Georgetown. It also has egg tart. It's not as delicious as Macau's egg taart, but ok laah.

So it was our Penang culinary tour, hopefully we can try more local food on our next visit.
written on October 15, 2011 by @tesyasblog
Tag: makanan halal di Penang, liburan ke Penang
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Tag: makanan halal di Penang, liburan ke Penang
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Karena Penang dekat domisili saya di Medan, jadi cukup gampang main ke Penang mengandalkan weekend atau long weekend. Emang Penang ini kiblat kulinernya Malaysia. Kalau sempat ke Penang lagi cobain Pasembur yang isinya gorengan fish cake, kepiting, udang, bakwan, peyek udang ditambah mentimun iris dan disiram kuah asam-manis. Hau chek!
ReplyDeleteHai Virginmojito, kenapa ya saya baru ngeh ada comment ini, so sorry.
DeleteAaah..mau Pasembur, kapan-kapan kalau ada kerjaan ke Medan udah planning pengen extend ke Penang lagi. Thanks untuk rekomendasinya ya.
mb tesya, hamediyan restaurant alamatnya dimana ya ? bisa buat referensi nih
ReplyDeleteHai Ainun, aku barusan googling dan ketemu link ini, mungkin bisa untuk referensi selanjutnya ya: http://www.penang.ws/dining/5-best-nasi-kandar.htm
DeleteHamediyan ada di nomor 5 tuh, alamatnya di Lebuh Campbell, George Town.