Causewaybay Inn, a Place to Stay On Budget in Hongkong

Looking for an affordable place to stay in Hongkong? It was not easy to find a cheap, centrally located, modern, very clean, budget hotel in Hongkong for my weekend getaway with Rene. 

We didn't want to stay at dorm in the hostel. We did once in Tree in Lodge Singapore, ending up I couldn't sleep well because I was affraid that I could not wake up to catch the first flight in the next morning. I stayed at a female dorm, while Rene slept at a mixed dorm.

I read the review of budget hotel in Hongkong on tripadvisor and found out the top on the list was Causewaybay Inn. I checked their website, and fell in love with this budget hotel. It looks great and very cheap indeed.

We took airport bus A11 and alight at Causewaybay. It only took 5 minutes walking to reach the building on Percival Street. The hotel had sent email to us giving access code to the building, to enter the units as well as the code for our room. So we could do our self check-in as we arrived at 7 am.

The entrance to an old building, Causewaybay Inn is on Level 1

The Lobby

We entered the unit and found a different atmosphere inside Causewaybay Inn. It was very clean and modern. There was no one at the lobby, we left our luggage there and went to Islamic Center Wanchai to have Halal Dimsum for our breakfast. By the way we had sent email to the hotel asking if we could leave our luggage at the lobby. The email was replied promptly and they said it was ok, however they had warned us that there will be no staff at the lobby.

The compact lobby at Causewaybay Inn
The Room

There are only 3 rooms in Causewaybay Inn, so please book as early as possible if you wish to stay here. I booked the cheapest room (Room no 2), having two twin bed and one child bed for HKD 410! Yes it was that cheap! This room could accommodate 2 adult and 1 child.

It came with a fast and free wifi, ensuite bathroom and a television.

Our room
The TV, and an ensuite bathroom on the left side 

The Bathroom

This is very important. Although very small (what do you expect, it is Hongkong!), the bathroom was super clean. Love it.

Separate shower and toilet area

The Location

This hostel has an excellent location, just in front of Times Square at Causewaybay. When you exit the building, a huge Uniqlo store will be on your right. If your turn left, you will find a yummy Hongkong eggballs at the corner.

A waffle in a shape of egg. A must try!
These shops are just outside of the building

The Noise

Being located in the central of everything and in front of a tram station, yes it was noisy at night. Bring your earplug! For us it was not an issue, as we were too tired exploring Hongkong. So at night we could sleep easily.

View from our room: yup it is a tram station

A True Hongkong Experience

The tiny room, the Ding-ding tram, all the lights at nights, will surely give you a real Hongkong experience if you stay at Causewaybay Inn. Oh..and one more thing, the unique lift. We were lucky that Causewaybay is only at level 1. It was scary to take this lift. You should try:p

The lift inside the old building

Compared to other budget hotel called Hop Inn I stayed several years ago, I prefer Causewaybay Inn. If I have another chance to visit Hongkong with our kiddos again, I will book two rooms in Causewaybay Inn. This budget hotel is very recommended, even for a family trip.

written on May 13, 2014 by @tesyasblog

Related Posts:
Other hotel reviews in Hongkong could be read here

Purchase our published book: Family Backpacking Hong Kong (Published by Elexmedia).


  1. Aku juga pernah nginap disini Mbak, very clean, cuma selemparan batu dr Time Square. Pengen booking room 3 yang spacenya lebih lebar, tp ternyata dapat room 1 dan Ok kok dengan 1 koper besar + 1 koper sedang. Cuma entah kenapa pas mau balik ke airport aku gak nemu stopan bus A11 ke airport. Udah tanya sana sini gak ada yg tau. Yasudlah naek taxi ajah drpd ketinggalan pesawat.

    1. Hai Mba Fluory, iya lokasinya keren banget ya!
      Wah aku pas pulang dari Chungking Mansion, bukan dari Causewaybay Inn, jadi ga ada masalah ama bus ke airport.

  2. mbak tesya.. boleh gk tidur di room no.2 dengan 2 anak (4 tahun dan 2 tahun) karena di kebijakannya kan hanya 2 dewasa dan 1 anak? trus sisa pembayarannya bayarnya cach atau kartu kredit mbak? Thx ya..

    1. Hai Mas, kamarnya itu sempit banget, kayanya ga cukup 4 orang. Masalah boleh atau enggaknya, hmm..waktu itu sih aku ga pernah ketemu ama yg jaga di Causewaybay Inn. Tapi mungkin mereka ada CCTV ya. Jadi aku sarankan jangan sih Mas, kalo mau ber empat gitu mendingan di JJ Hotel aja. Bayarnya aku pake account paypal Mas.

  3. Mba tesya.. Mau nanya kira2 harga penginapannya 1 hari berapa ya? Mohon infonya ya mba. Makasi sebelumnya . Salam kenal yaa aku atha :)

    1. Hai Mba, aku dulu Rp 500 ribu per malam, Tapi sekarang kan HKD rate nya tinggi ya, mungkin jadinya Rp 750 ribu semalam. Cek di website nya Causeway Bay Inn aja ya Mba.

  4. Mba Tesya...saya jadi ikutan booking di causeway bay inn efek baca blognya :)...mau tanya..kalo mau ke supermarket kayak indomaret atau alfamart dimana ya dekat hotel? terima kasih

    1. Hai, semoga betah ya nanti di Causewaybay Inn.
      Banyak kok di sekitar Causewaybay Inn. Kalau enggak ketemu, bisa langsung cari supermarket di mall Times Square aja.

  5. Mba Tesya,

    mau tanya dong gedung nya causeway bay inn itu di dalem nya seperti apa sih, Mba? liat di youtube di depan pintu masuk nya agak gelap ya, banyak lorong, tapi dalam kamar nya kayak nya enak banget. aku juga sudah book, cuma penasaran aja, mau tau gedung dalam nya seperti apa. Thank you mba

    1. Hai Mba Cindhi, dalamnya itu udah tua, rumah orang-orang disitu. Tapi begitu masuk ke unitnya Causewaybay Inn bagusss. Recommended deh pokoknya:)

  6. Hi Mba Tesya,

    Salam kenal ya mba.. aku dpt referensi dr tmn aku mengenai blog mba Tesya.

    Mba, mo nanya ya. Rncn nya tgl 18-21 mei ini aku planning ke HK. Kita bertiga. Namun, sampai skrg msh blun nemu hotel atau apartemen utk menginap. Kira2 mba Tesya ada rekomendasi dak? Dan mo nanya utk intinery juga.. Rencana mo PP ke Macau dan Shenzen.

    Thanks Mba Tesya.

  7. Akhirnya ak cobain rekomendasi ibu tesya di causewaybay inn dgn nomor kamar yg sama juga nomor 2... ditengah kota,dkt perbelanjaan,dkt mrt pula jadi ga pusing2 kl mau kmn2.thanks ya bu relomendasinya

    1. Hahahha seru ya lingkungannya, tapi kamarnya semfiiit...
      Semoga asyik ya kemarin liburannya :)

  8. Kereeen bgt uraiannya.
    Ada saran utk hotel Yg bs berlima mba ? Tnp breakfast, n bisa pake rice cooker ga ya d kmr.
    Kami 2 dewasa, 3 anak cowok 11th, 8th, 5th. Tks mba Tesya keren

    1. Hai Mba, sebetulnya kalau Mba di JJ Hotel yang premier room, itu nyaman dan luas banget. Kalau sempat coba googling: tesyasblog JJ hotel. Aku nulis revienya juga.
      Bisa kok pake rice cooker di kamar.

  9. Mba Tesya, Kalau saya ber-empat, mau nginap di Hongkong 2 malam, trus satu malam di Macau, lalu balik lagi nginap 1 malam di Hongkong dengan Hotel yang beda, ngatasin bagasinya agar gak dibawa2 ke Macau, gimana ya, apa ada tempat penitipan bagasi mba?

    1. Hai Mas, saya enggak liat penitipan koper sih di ferry terminalnya. Atau coba tanya pas check out di hotel di HK, apakah boleh titip sd Mas kembali?

  10. Mba Tesya, saya ada booking Causewaybay Inn utk bulan november 2017 di, dan diemail harus bayar melalui paypal 50% dari tag. apakah nanti pelunasannya melalui paypal lg or tunai pas sampai disana

    1. Hai Mba Lenny, nanti pas pelunasan juga pake paypal. Jadi pas sampe sana udah lunas. Semoga cocok ya di Causewaybay Inn.

  11. Hai Mba Tesya, saya berencana akan booking di Causewaybay Inn dan kalo misalnya kita uda booking dan bayar lewat agoda, kira2 prepayment yg lewat paypal itu buat apa lagi ya mba?
    Terima kasih.

    1. Hai... kalau udah lewat Agoda, ga perlu DP via paypal lagi. Dulu kami book langsung ke web mereka, dan mereka minta pembayaran DP via paypal.

  12. Hai mbak Tesya...

    Aku suka baca blognya tentang HK.
    Oia untuk nginep di Causeway bay inn kalau mau naik MTR kan paling deket di Causewaybay exit A. Itu masuk ke stationnya turun pakai elevator atau axcalator? Di google map ga ada keterangannya.
    Trims infonya ya mbak

    1. Hai Mba, thank you udah mampir ke blog kami.
      Causewayba exit A itu terhubung ke Times Square, nah kalau ga salah ingat, itu turun or naik ke stasiun nya ada tunnel underground gitu Mba. Nanti setelah masuk ke station (paid area), baru turun ke platform pake escalator. Untuk stasiun sebesar Causewaybay, harusnya ada elevator. Have fun ya di HK :)
