Morning Glory Coffee Bandung

This is why I love Bandung: there are so many new cafes and restaurants to try! Like the one I found near Riau Street: Morning Glory Coffee.

I often pass Jalan Cempaka Bandung whenever I buy Bandung's snack at Prima Rasa. One day, I notice there's a restaurant I have never been to, called Morning Glory Coffee on Jalan Cempaka. It is located just accross the "Taman Foto Bandung" or Bandung's Photography Park.

The next weekend since I saw Morning Glory Coffee, I decided to have lunch before heading back to Jakarta. We parked our car at Taman Foto Bandung and crossed the road to Morning Glory Coffee or MG&CO for short.

Beautiful trees in front of Morning Glory Coffee

I like the interior of this cafe, it's very cozy with a high ceiling. This is a place where I can sit hours and write posting for my blogs. Too bad I didn't bring my MacBook to Morning Glory that time:p

Lovely floor
The bar is at the middle
This place is lovely

We sat at the back of the restaurant, where we could play darts while waiting for our food and drink.

This is where we sat
Of course, our Kiddos love this!

We ordered fried rice for our Kiddos, Java's noodle for me and mr.husband and steak for my parents. I put the price on the below pictures for your information. Only one food we didn't take picture of, my father's Dori Harajuku for IDR 35,000.

Nasi Goreng (fried rice) for IDR 39,000
Chicken parmigiana for IDR 49,000 
Bakmi Jawa for IDR 39.000
Mie Ongklok for IDR 39.000

I don't complain about the price of the food, but let me tell you the price of the drink. I ordered an ice tea, and it cost me IDR 28,000! It was even more expensive than the Ice Lemon Tea (IDR 23,000). Hot chocolate and juice were IDR 35,000 while Cappucino is IDR 19,000. Bear in mind, do not order ice tea at Morning Glory:p

The food and drink were not that special. They also have cakes, expensive though. There are still many restaurant to go in Bandung, and I think Morning Glory is enough for a one time visit. Eventhough I like the interior of Morning Glory.

Anyway, this is only my opinion as a customer, and you may of course have a different one.

written on March 22, 2016 by @tesyasblog

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  1. Sudah lama aku tak menyapa bandung, berharap bulan ini bisa kesana

    1. Yuk mari ke Bandung, mumpung long weekend:)

  2. modal tempat lucu doang kayaknya yaa, overpriced dan bias2 kasih gitu makanan/minumannya

    1. Iya Vari, lokasinya emang enak sih di depan taman, dan tempatnya juga lucu buat nongkrong. But it wasn't that worth it.

  3. sabtu besok aku ke bandung ^o^.. udh lama bgttt ga kesana.. makanya lg semangat nyari2 tempat kulineran asik.. okelah, jd tempat ini ga worth it ya mba... eh itu mie ongklok yg mrk jual enak? yg panjang2 daun apa sih mbak?

    1. Wah aku juga pengen ke Bandung weekend ini, tapi enggak tau nih mr.husband kakinya sakit lagi (amurat).

      Eh iya yang panjang2 itu apa ya? Daun Bawang bukan ya?
