The Cheapest Public Transport from Melbourne Tullamarine Airport to the City

It was our first time ever visiting Australia, we took Garuda Indonesia which flies directly from Jakarta to Melbourne. We arrived just 3 days before Christmas, the airport was not that busy when we arrived at around 9 am. The immigration process was fast, and the officer were really friendly. The only complaint upon arrival in Melbourne Tullamarine Airport was that we had to wait for 30 minutes to get our luggage. I don’t know whether it’s normal or because it’s holiday time? Anyway, we could get out of the airport directly after taking our luggage. There weren’t any inspection as I thought it would be.

Having read the Tripadvisor review regarding the cheapest public transport from Melbourne Tullamarine airport to the city, we wanted to give it a try. We had plenty of time that day and of course we’d like to save our budget. From the review that I read, it cost only AUD 6,20 per person (compare that with a one way ticket of Skybus AUD 17!). I also read that there were no sign at the airport to the public bus stop. It seems that the airport recommend visitors to take the express Skybus which can take you to the city within 20 minutes (excluding the waiting time).

When we exit the international airport, we followed the direction to T4 (Tiger Air Terminal), because it is the closest terminal to the public bus stop. At T4, we were confused where to go, as there was no public bus stop around T4. We asked a guy, who showed us that we should take Skybus. No thanks. Then we asked a lady, who didn’t really know where the bus stop located, but when I told her that it is should be in front of Toll Dnata building, she said that we have to walk a little bit further from T4, and cross the road. And yes we could see a bus stop, with its sign on the grass. Lucky us the bus was waiting for the passengers when we walked to the bus stop.

We took Smartbus # 901, paid cash to the driver AUD 6,2 per person for a metcard combined zone 1 and 2 allowing unlimited transfer up to 2 hours. We asked the driver to inform us when we reach Broadmeadows Station (but then we knew the bus has a running text telling what’s the next stop), to continue our journey with the train. After a 15 minutes bus ride, we arrived at the train station, went to Platform 1 to take City Loop Inn train, and after 5 minutes waiting for the train, we got into the train which took us to Flinders Station. Total travel time is about 1 hour (bus+train), and as a bonus you will enjoy the view of suburban area around Melbourne. Moreover our hostel is so close to Flinders Station, so it was the right choice for us.

note: starting Dec 29, 2012, metcard will be replaced by myki card. So if you'd like to go to the city like the way we did, you should purchase myki online prior to your arrival to Melbourne.

If you got plenty of time in Mebourne, try this cheap public transport from the airport. I love the scenery along the way, it gives us different sights compared to Melbourne.

written on December 26, 2012 by @tesyasblog

tag: transportasi murah dari Melbourne Tullamarine Airport ke kota Melbourne, bis dari Melbourne Tullamarine Airport

Free dowload travel ebook by tesyasblog "Pieces of Melbourne" written in Bahasa Indonesia, could be download in this link.

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SIM Indonesia di Australia


  1. hay mba, salam kenal ya. uprek2 gugel ketemu dimari. mo tanya donk, klo mo pake myski itu harus beli dari sekarang or bisa beli di bandara nanti?

    1. Hai Mba...Myki aku ga tau ya di airport Melbourne ada ga. Btw mba coba email aku deh kalo butuh Myki :

  2. Mbak Tesya,
    Salam kenal ya... Saya udah nyari2 info tentang bus murah dari Melb airp tullamarine ke kota.. dan voila..akhirnya ketemu di blog mbak.. mau tanya..kan tadi sudah dijabarkan fare smartbus dari melb airp 6,2 AUD. Yang saya mau tanyakan..untuk biaya trainnya ke flinders station berapa ya?. Kemudian..kalau gak punya myki card berarti gak bisa naik bus itu ya?. Need your info ya mbak..krn bulan depan saya solo backpacking ke Aus.

    1. Hai Nana, salam kenal juga ya..
      6,2 itu udah sampai dengan Flinders Station. Beli aja dulu myki nya di airport Melbourne. Coba googling deh, mungkin skrg udah ada yg jual.

    2. Malam mbak,saya mau tanya brp harga beli miky cardnya? Kalau masih ada sisa saldo bagaimana?
      Trus dari kota melbourne ke airport tullamarrine bagaimana caranya tanpa naik skybus? Semoga bisa cepat di balas. Terima kasih

    3. Hai Mba, dulu saya beli kartunya aja AUD6, kemudian beli pulsanya. Kalau saya sih Myki disimpan aja, harusnya bisa dibalikin kalau mau.
      Sama dengan cara saya naik bus dan kereta ini aja Mba, tapi kebalikan. Dari Flinders Station startnya.
      Have fun di Melbourne ya.

  3. Hello Bu Tes.. hihihi..
    very helpful story..
    btw, does the bus operate until 7-8 pm?? because we will be landed at tullamarine around that hour..
    oh wait.. still waiting to apply our visa though.. hehe
    wish me luck, Bu.. :D

    1. Hi Michael...
      Sukses ya apply visa nya :)
      Nah jam operasinya di download aja Mike, karena aku enggak hafal. Asyik banget deh nih yang Des mau ke Melbourne.

  4. Hi, masih belum ktm gmn cara dari airport T Melbou ke Kota \ Flinders sta, hrs 'wajib' beli Myki card ya, beli di airport posisi nya dmn ya

    1. Hai juga Mba, wajib untuk naik bus nya sih. Coba tanya ke bagian information di airport ya. Kalau waktu ke Sydney, mereka menyarankan membeli di toko buku WH Smith yang ada di area arrival hall. Nah aku enggak tau di Melbourne.

      Enggak ketemu rutenya gimana Mba? Kalau mau tanya lebih lanjut silahkan email ya.
