Review of Tanakita Camping Ground, Sukabumi

I always answer "Tanakita" whenever someone ask me what is my favourite camping ground that we have visited so far. Tanakita located in Sukabumi, a 3 to 4 hours car ride from Jakarta (depending on traffic). 

It is located inside the Pangrango National Park, so you will enjoy lush garden, the greenery from the forest, fresh air and a comfortable camping ground for your family.

After sunset at Tanakita Camping Ground

The Tent at Tanakita

We ordered 2 tents for my family and @zkhairi's family. After some discussion, we decided to choose the tent close to the common area.

The ten was basic, with 4 beds inside. And yes it provides an electricity plug:p There's also a separate area where we could place our backpacks.

Our tent at Tanakita

We could see the common area from our tent 
Kiddos had a huge playground at Tanakita

The Shared Bathroom

Yes, I knew this part is very important when you are taking your kids on glamping (glamorous camping).

Unlike the one we had when we stayed at Dusun Bambu Camping Ground, the toilet at Tanakita is shared with other guests. But it is separated between male and female, and don't worry, hot water is provided.

A very clean shared bathroom
The shower at Tanakita's bathroom

The Surroundings

From the first time we arrived at Tanakita, this spot is my favorite!

Enjoying a hot tea, with this view

It was not only for me, but for the whole group. We love sitting at this little corner of Tanakita :)

Coffee, tea and hot water is provided 24 hours at the common area. You can take your own tea and coffee, and of course cup noodles.

The common area of Tanakita
24 hours coffee and tea, and the books

The Food

Our package includes dinner on the first day, snacks on coffee break time, breakfast, and lunch on the second day. The foods were yummy.

Most of the time, Sundanese food were served

Things to note when you are taking your kids to Tanakita: sometimes the food is too spicy for the kids. Just be prepared. Bring enough snacks for your kids, you will not find any minimart around this place.

A Night Well Spent at Tanakita

When the night comes, everyone gathered at the common area. Everyone enjoyed dinner with live music performance from the crew.

Everyone was happy :)
Yeay, the grilled corn!

Trekking to Situ Gunung

In the morning, we went trekking about 30 minutes from Tanakita to reach a beautiful lake called Situ Gunung.

The morning at Situ Gunung

We took a ride on a boat at the lake. A special experience for our Kiddos.

It cost IDR 10,000 per person to take a ride on this boat
It was so peaceful at the lake

Kids Activities at Tanakita

Don't worry, there are lots of thing to do at Tanakita. Your kids will forget the gadget and the wifi during their stay:D

They could go inside the forest to take "getah" (rubber) from Damar tree (Genus Agathis), which will be used to turn on the camp fire. And they had experienced to turn on the campfire by themselves.

Going to the forest with Tanakita's crew
Let's turn the fire on!

They could swim and play at the river, which is located 20 minutes from Tanakita (we had to pay an additional fee to rent transport "angkot").

You don't play on the river at big cities, right? 
A free attraction for the kids, and they love it

And if your kids is adventurous, they could try the flying fox. This include in the price you paid to Tanakita.

Waiting for his turn
So happy!

Getting There

It is advised that you take train from Bogor Paledang station to Cisaat Station (just one station before Sukabumi Station). From there, you can ask Tanakita to organize a public transport (or called "angkot") for your family.

Taking the train will safe you lots of time, the traffic from Jakarta to Sukabumi on weekend is most of the time terrible.

A detail post on how to get to Tanakita by train, could be read here.

Taking the train from Bogor to Sukabumi
Inside the "angkot"

I am looking forward to spend another weekend at Tanakita. Being in the forest and looking at those giant trees was really refreshing. Not too mention, we had enjoyed our family time at Tanakita.

written on September 5, 2015 by @tesyasblog

Related Post:
Dusun Bambu Camping Ground - Bandung
Green Coral Camping Ground - Tanjung Lesung
Sari Ater Family Camping Park - Lembang


  1. Wahhhhh ... Plan to go here some time ago, but never realized it yet! Haha ...

    1. Ayo Om Timo kita glamping. I really love it here :)

  2. Replies
    1. Iya Kak Feb, udah tersedia semuanya :) Ama makan juga...

    2. Hahaha..iya..cobain Kak Feb :)

  3. Loh itu tenda di bawa sendiri atau sudah disediain dan dirakit oleh pengelola? Keren abisss anda tempat seperti tanakita ya.. saya harus ke sana tuh..

    1. Semua disediakan Tanakita: tenda, makanan dan snacks coffe break.

  4. Hai mbak.. boleh tahu kisaran biaya per orangnya brp? Tks

    1. Hello Mbak, Rp 500 ribu seorang udah termasuk makan 3 kali.

  5. Hai Mba, mau nanya dong, itu 500rb per orang apa per paket ya Mba? Apa 500rb untuk 1 tenda ya Mba? Makasih sebelumnya maaf banyak nanya Mba hehe

    1. Hai Kak, itu Rp 500 ribu per orang, termasuk makan tiga kali.
      Jadi kemarin aku satu tenda berempat, bayar Rp 2 juta.
      Semoga membantu ya..

    2. Dear Ibu Tesya,
      Mohon informasi kemana saya kontak untuk no telp/Hp dan alamat Tanakita jika ingin menginap disana?
      Review ibu salah satu blog favorit saya untuk referensi jalan2...;-)
      Terima kasih.

    3. Hai Mas Edwin, terimakasih sudah baca tulisan di blog kami.
      Untuk Tanakita, waktu itu saya kontak Pak Piping di nomor hp: 081311135064 dan email:

  6. Hai Ibu Tesya, harga 500 itu untuk 2d1n ya?

  7. kalo mba dateng jam berapa, bisa ceritain per kegiatan mulai dari tiba sampai pulang dengan jam-jamnya gak..hehe..maaf ngerepotin..

    1. Itinerarynya terserah aja kok Mas, kami datang jam 11 am, kemudian main2 aja di tenda, makan siang, malam, lalu liat kunang2.
      Besoknya ikutan acara Flying Fox, sisanya kita arrange sendiri aja Mas.

    2. untuk kaya outbound flying fox apakah dikenakan biaya tambahan? atau sudah free termasuk dalam 500 rb itu mba?

    3. Flying fox sudah termasuk ke dalam harganya.

    4. Mbak,klo tenda yg 4 bed apa msh nyaman utk 3 dewasa + 2 anak" (6 & 9 thn) ?

    5. Menurut saya masih cukup Mbak..

  8. Hi mbak Tesya. Asyik banget campingnya, mau tahu kalau pagi hari kira-kira suhu udara berkisar berapa ya mbak? Terus cuacanya sering mendadak hujan kah? Maklum anak-anak punya alergi dingin jadi butuh persiapan obat pribadi untuk camping di sana dan sering worry sama suhu di lokasi hehe. Terima kasih banyak informasinya.

    1. Hai Mbak, wah aku enggak tau suhunya berapa, tapi dingin banget sih Mba kalau ukuran aku. Di dalam tenda sih hangat, tapi pas keluar itu brrrr... Semoga enggak kenapa2 ya anak2nya disana, secara walaupun dingin udaranya fresh banget :)
