I came across Bangkok City Hotel when I searched through booking.com for hotels around USD 50 in Bangkok. Other thing which was a plus point: Bangkok City Hotel also has a triple room, perfect for our group which consist of 5 people. We could reserve one double and one triple room.
I reserved the room directly through their website. The hotel only charged the room one week prior to our arrival. Tripadvisor reviews for this hotel is also positive. There are reviews saying that many halal food stall are available around the hotel. I wanted to proof it by myself.
Welcome to Bangkok City Hotel |
We arrived at midday, the check-in process was a breeze, they even gave us the room even though it was before 2 pm (the check-in time). The lobby was always busy, especially in the morning because it is linked to the breakfast area.
The compact lobby area |
Breakfast time |
The Room
We got a room on level 14, I must say the room was beyond my expectation. A modern and spacious room, with a bathtub in the bathroom.
View from my room |
The Transportation
Bangkok City Hotel provides Tuk-tuk Service, taxi and also mini van for the guests. We only tried the minivan to go to the airport. The rental cost was THB 1,000 for maximum 10 person.
Fixed rate for the hotel's tuk-tuk |
Special Tuk-tuk provided by the hotel |
They call it "big taxi" |
Seven Eleven Around The Hotel
Just exit the hotel and walk to the left, you will find Seven Eleven few meters away from the lobby.
The nearest Sevel from hotel |
At night, there's a burger stall called "Bagus Burger" in front of Seven Eleven, which sells halal burger. There's also a banana pancake and a fruit seller at night, not far from Seven Eleven.
Food Around The Hotel
There were also many seafood hawker around the hotel at night (from the lobby, exit hotel and walk to the right). But I am not sure whether they are halal.
Just next to Seven Eleven, you will find Soi 10, which at night sell many street food. Again, I am not sure whether they are halal.
Soi 10 in the morning |
Halal Food Around Bangkok City Hotel
If you are looking for halal food around the hotel, just exit the hotel and walk to the left. You have to pass the overbridge, once you are at the opposite of the hotel, you will find many halal food. I did a walking tour by myself in the morning, and let me share with you what I had found during the walk.
I walked further to Soi 7, because I saw the sign that there is a mosque called Masjid Darul Amman. I wanted to know how a masjid looks like in Bangkok.
Masjid Darul Aman |
To my surprise, there are lots of halal foodstall in Soi 7. And also a public laundry (never seen that thing before!). I stopped at a very busy stall serving Hainan Rice. So I sat down, and yes it was delicious! It was cheap, I only paid THB 40 for my Hainan Rice.
Landry, anyone? |
My breakfast that morning |
Bangkok City Hotel is a very recommended hotel. My negative review would be the distance from the hotel to BTS station. It was about 10-15 minutes walk. In a hot day like in Bangkok, this distance is way too far.
The nearest BTS station: Ratchathewi |
written on June 7, 2014 by @tesyasblog
Hi Mbak Tesya, mau tny dong antara Bangkok City Hotel dan Bangkok Loft Inn overall oke yg mana yah?
ReplyDeleteThanks :)
Hi Vita, aku pilih Bangkok City Hotel karena di seberang hotel banyak resto muslimnya.
DeleteKalau breakfast, lebih enak Bangkok Loft Inn sih hehe..
Kapan dibuat ebook kak?
Hai Vanilla (what a sweet name),
DeleteEbook BKK aku kurang PD buatnya nih haha...Soanya suamiku enggak mau diajak balik lagi. Tapi kayanya pengen sih buat ebook Bangkok Phuket. Mudah2an bisa terwujud.
Waaww, enak kalo banyak kuliner halal ya...
ReplyDeleteAku setuju ama Vanilla bikin e-book mbaaa
Hahaha...kayanya aku kurang kompeten untuk bikin ebook BKK Mbak (:
DeleteHalo Kak, mau tanya.. Kalau ranjang yg twin bed di Bangkok City Hotel, bisa didempetin jadi 1 ga yah? Thanks before kak :)
ReplyDeleteGa bisa Kak, berat hehehe..Pilih yg double bed aja Kak..
DeleteMba Tesya, untuk aksesnya yang lebih deket ke mana-mana itu di bangkok city hotel apa loft inn? soalnya loft inn di thonburi ya? Makasih Mba Tesya atas infonya
ReplyDeleteLoft Inn enaknya deket jalan ke BTS nya. Nah kalau secara lokasi memang lebih deket kemana-mana Bangkok City Hotel ini, tapi jalan ke BTS nya lumayan. Akhirnya kita naik tuktuk juga ke MBK, ke Platinum hehe...
DeleteTo be more central sih mendingan Bangkok City Hotel.
Mbak Tesya,
ReplyDeleteKalo misalnya mau ke mall harus naik transportasi umum atau bisa dijangkau dengan jalan kaki?
Thank you
Naik transportasi umum Mba, waktu ke MBK naik taksi juga enggak mahal kok.
DeleteKak, mau tanya lagi.. Kalau wifi di hotel ini signalnya parah ga ya kak? Soalnya aku baca beberapa reviewnya, signal wifinya parah banget.. Untuk stop kontak di sana, tipenya sama kayak stop kontak di Indo ga ya kak? Thanks before :)
ReplyDeleteHai Mbak, waktu aku disana sih Wi Fi nya aman damai dan sejahtera hehe..
DeleteStop kontak sama dengan di Indonesia.
Have fun ya di Bangkok :)
Kak mw tnya dong, tau hotel the best bangkok house? Itu hotel bintang 3 sih. Murah dan bagus mana sma bangkok city hotel?
ReplyDeleteWah maaf Kak, aku ga tau. Tapi coba ke tripadvisor.com, terus dibandingkan deh review para travellers bagusan yg mana.
DeleteHai Mba Tesya Salam Kenal,
ReplyDeleteMba saya mau tanya saya akan ke Bangkok dengan 2 anak balita dan perintilan makanannya, kalau di Bangkok City Hotel setiap kamar tersedia kulkas ya mba.
Terus menu breakfast di Bangkok City Hotel berarti tidak halal ya mba.
Saya lihat di sebelah Bangkok City Hotel ada di Samran Place Hotel, jika dibandingkan dengan Samran Place Hotel lebih baru/bagus mana ya mba gedung dan fasilitas di dalamnya.
Terima kasih.
Hai Mba, salam kenal juga.
DeleteSaya enggak tau dalamnya Samran Place, tapi kayanya sih 11-12 ya.
Terakhir waktu kesana inap di Centara Watergate, kalau bawa anak-anak seneng disana kali ya, ada kolam untuk main airnya. Coba deh liat review aku tentang Centara Watergate di tesyasblog.
Kak, mau tanya di bangkok city hotel deposit hotelnya berapa ya? Trims.
ReplyDeleteWaduh Mas saya lupa, tapi kalau enggak salah infonya ada di web nya Bangkok City Hotel. Atau, kalau mau aman, sediakan aja cash/ credit card sejumlah harga kamar satu malam.
Deletemba mau tanya, kalo ke dari don mueang jam 11 malem untuk ke hotel ini cuma ada pilihan taksi kah? atau gimana ya? terimakasih
ReplyDeleteIya naik taksi aja Mba.
DeleteSebetulnya ada bus A1, kemudian turun di BTS yang dekat Chatuchak. Tapi enggak tau bus A1 itu sampe jam brp malam.
terimakasih infonya mba Tesya :)
DeleteHai Tesya, salam kenal. Blog singapore ke legoland johor bahru sangat membantu sekali loh.... Oh, iya seru ya trip ke bangkoknya. Tesya kenal Irin ya, itu keponakan aq. Trip selanjutnya deatinasi apa...bisa ikutan gabung ga..
ReplyDeleteHai Mba Vera, wah Irin keponakan Mba :)
DeleteSelanjutnya ke Jepang Mba, ini lagi pada nabung dulu ibu2nya hehehe..
Hai mba Tesya..
ReplyDeleteAku rencana mau ke Thailand lg, tp kali ini stay di Bangkok aja.
Dan aku rencan sewa mobil selama 5 hari disana, aku juga udah baca review Bangkok Lofy In, menurut mba enak dimana ya yg enak untuk parkiran mobil..