When we finally decided going to Johor Bahru instead of exploring Singapore for our mommies day out trip, my friends requested to visit Johor Premium Outlet for a window shopping session. I was not quite sure whether Johor Premium Outlet is worth a visit. But somehow I agree with my friends and put window shopping at Johor Premium Outlet in our Johor Bahru itinerary.
On our second day in Johor Bahru, we checked out from Hanya Satu Hotel and move to Citrus Hotel. We left our backpack at Citrus Hotel and walked to JB Sentral Bus Station to catch JPO1 Bus from JB Sentral to Johor Premium Outlet. We were there on time, 10 minutes before the first bus schedule to Johor Premium Outlet which was at 9 a.m. You can check the detail schedule here.
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mommies were ready to shop |
We paid our bus fare by cash, a one way ticket is only RM 4,5. The driver request us to pay in the exact amount. The yellow bus was very convenient, however you could find handwriting on the seats:p
we put our money into this machine |
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we could continue our sleep in this comfortable bus |
The journey took about 1 hour with the bus, as it stopped in many bus stops. We passed Tune Hotel at Danga Bay, and also The Thistle Hotel. The bus journey gave us the opportunity to see other side of Johor Bahru.
next time I will rent a car in Johor Bahru:p |
the greenery at suburban area |
we were almost there |
When I first saw Johor Premium Outlet, it was like a dejaVu of visiting Pandorf Factory Outlet in Vienna. I guess it was the beige colors of JPO which reminds me to Pandorf.
My fave shop at JPO is this Padini Outlet |
Entering JPO, we saw Padini and Vincci next to each other. I got t-shirts for kiddos at Padini only for RM 9:) Not far from Vincci, there's Fidani, a factory outlet for chocolate.
There's also Coach, CK, Lacoste, all located on the first floor. Coach outlet was still close when we came, I was intended to come back later to Coach. But I didn't manage to visit it that day, I spent most of my time at Esprit Outlet, Nike Outlet and Starbucks for the free wifi:p
We walked until saw the pond at the middle and escalator to go to the second floor.
at 10.30 am on Saturday, there weren't many people visiting JPO |
First thing I saw on the second floor was the kids playground at the back of Guess outlet. So mommies can leave their kiddos here with mr.husband:D
playground at JPO |
On the second floor we could find Esprit, Charles and Keith, Nike, The Body Shop, Cotton On and many more.
If you are visiting Johor Premium Outlet, don't forget to try the Signature Crepes, just in front of Nike outlet.
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the signature crepes, a must have in JPO |
I bought Nike soccer shoes for kiddos, half price of the Mall price. So if you know the normal price, it will be better as you may compare whether the price in the branded outlets are cheap or not.
At 12.20 pm, we walked back to the parking place of our shuttle bus to JB Sentral. We spent 2,5 hours for our window shopping at Johor Premium Outlet, we wanted to visit Aeon (Jusco) Tebrau that day.
the bus is ready before 12.30 pm |
In my opinion, yes Johor Premium Outlet is worth a visit. The return ticket is only 9 RM, it was a nice place even without the shopping budget, and you will see many things on the way to JPO. The public transport from JB Sentral to JPO vice versa is also very easy, as long as you follow the schedule. A visit to JPO is recommended to be included in your Johor Bahru itinerary.
written on October 15, 2013 by @tesyasblog
Tag: Liburan ke Johor Bahru, Belanja di Johor Bahru, Wisata Belanja di Johor Premium Outlet
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Shopping at AEON Tebrau or Jusco Tebrau Johor Bahru
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Things to See and Do Around Johor Bahru's Downtown
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Hotels review in Johor Bahru could be found in this link
Aduuuuh detil banget deh. Sayang belum ada JKT-JB ya?
ReplyDeleteAda donk Kak Olen AirAsia, tapi ga flight setiap hari. Jadi kapan ke Legoland?:D
Deletekak tesya thks infonya berguna bgt buat nanti nov aku berangkat..aku mau tanya blh klo dari citrus hotel ke legoland bs naik bus?klo bs naik bus apa trs baliknya lagi naik bus dgn no yg sama kah?trs klo ke bandara senai dr citrus apa ada busnya jg?satu lagi kak dr singapore ke JB kan aku rencananya naek bus CW2 di queen Street itu klo aku nginep didaerah geylang dr MRT kallang turun di MRT mana yach kak?
ReplyDeleteOke ini aku coba jawab ya:
Delete1. Dari Citrus ke Legoland: jalan kaki dulu ke CIQ 2nd Link (jalan dulu aja ke JB Sentral, tar tanya disana), bisa naik bus JPO2 ataupun LM1. Iya baliknya pun bisa dengan bus yang sama.
2. Ke Bandara Senai? Hmm, pake taksi aja ya.. Soalnya naik bus nya harus dari Larkin Bus Terminal. Jadi dari Citrus pake taksi, terus naik bus 333 dari Larkin. Ribet ah, langsung aja pake taksi, yes?
3. Dari Gelyang ke Queen Street: naik MRT turun di Bugis MRT, terus exit nya ambil yang Exit A. Jalan kaki deh ke terminalnya.
Hope it helps ya..and have fun liburannya nanti :)
Thx yach kak infonya..btw CIQ 2nd Link itu di sebelah mana JB Sentral bus stationnya yach kak?jauh atau dekat kak??maaf yach kak klo saya banyak tanya maklum kak baru eprtama kali kesana...hehehe..
DeleteHai...JB Sentral sama CIQ 2nd Link deketan. Aku ga sempet ke sana, enggak kebayang jalannya kalau dari Citrus. Mungkin pembaca yang lain ada yang bisa bantu?
DeleteKomplit banget mbak tesyas....harus kesini nih nanti brarti pas ke JB...btw buka sampe jam brp ya?oiya mbak tempat shopping barang2 branded yg harganya jauh murah drpd mall kalo di sin dan kl dmn?hehehehhe
ReplyDeleteHai Novi..I am not sure mungkin buka sd jam 9 malam ya. Kalau di sin yg branded sih sama aja. Tapi aku suka ke Mustafa. Kalau KL paling aku ke mall aja sih. Kalau mau souvenirs bisa ke Pasar Seni atau Petaling Street.
DeleteMbak Tesya, kalo cari taxi di Johor Premium Outlet susah gak ya? Apa ada yg mangkal kayak di mall2 Jakarta gitu? Buat jaga2 kalo ketinggalan bus balik ke JB Sentral :))
ReplyDeleteHai Citra, banyak kok taksi mangkal, cuman adanya taksi warna biru yang mihil itu. Jadi siap siap aja bayar double (dibandingkan rate taksi merah). Happy shopping ya hehe..
Deletembak tesya..saya diaz dr jakarta
ReplyDeletemau tanya kalau di jpo ada tempat penitipan koper ga ya?harganya berapa?
terimakasih :)
Hai Mba Diaz, ada penitipan koper. Tapi untuk harganya coba cek di website JPO ya..
Deletehalo mba tesya, mau tanya kalo dari legoland ke jpo naik dari mana dan naik bus apa ya?
ReplyDeletedari jpo ada kah yang langsung ke woodland? terimakasih :)
Asiiik...lengkap banget. Mba...ada email atau wa yg bisa nanya2 kah. Atau info hanya di web ajah?
ReplyDeleteSilahkan Mba via email: tesyas.blog@gmail.com yaa
DeleteMba tesya saya Rizka, mau tanya karena penerbangan pulang saya malam... Tetapi saya check out dari Legoland hotel pukul 11.00,, sebaiknya menitip koper dimana ya jika ingin jalan-jalan dulu ke beberapa tempat seperti jpo atau ksl city? Apa dibandara senai ada tempat penitipan koper? Terima kasih
DeleteHai Mba, di hotel Legoland ada penitipan koper, cukup besar tempatnya. Atau di JPO juga ada. Kalau di KSL saya tidak tau, nah kalua di bandara, nanti Mba nya bolak-balik..
Deletehai mba, shuttle bus utk kembali dari JPO itu kita bayar lagi atau pakai tiket yg awal kita beli di JB?
ReplyDeleteBayar lagi Mba, tiketnya itu aku beli one way.