Epic Coffee Jogjakarta

I went to Epic Coffee Jogjakarta after seeing many pictures of this beautiful coffee shop on instagram. I love to visit coffee shops, because sitting in a cozy place and smelling the coffee is a really stress relief activity, well at least for me.

When my friend who was in charge to make the itinerary of our mommies dayout trip to Jogjakarta asked which places to visit, I requested Epic Coffee. We visited it before catching our flight back to Jakarta, on a rainy afternoon. The rain has made Epic Coffee even more romantic.

Love the romantic feel of Epic Coffee

Epic Coffee is located few meters away from Hyatt Regency Jogjakarta, and also near our favourite guest house which is called Rumah Mertua. The building looks like a warehouse, it's huge and adjacent to the coffee shop is the Epilog Furniture.

The cafe is so cozy, you will feel different atmosphere the moment you arrive at Epic Coffee.

From the outside
You could also sit at this half open space area

We sat near the favourite photo spot of the cafe, the wall with the story of how coffee is brewed at Epic Coffee.

A very creative coffee story!

"What is your recommendation for the cold drink?" I asked the waiter. And she replied, "Epic Coffeelicious is one of our best seller". I tried it and yes it was really good. It cost IDR 34,000.

My Epic Coffeelicous was delicious!

Other than the Epic Coffeelicious, we ordered their tea and green tea latte. I wish they sell the glass for the tea!

Early Gray tea for IDR 22,000
Green tea latte for IDR 28,000

Epic Coffee was our last stop, so we ordered some light food as well to be shared among us. My favorite was their nachos.

Epic Nachos for IDR 38,000 and Red Velvet
Cheese Cake for IDR 28,000
Tex Mex for IDR 40,000, yumm it was so cheesy!

There's also a special place outside the cafe to process their coffee, but too bad as it was raining, I couldn't take the picture. I was too late to realize that Epic Coffee actually provide umbrella for the guests.

Epic Coffee is a perfect place to hangout with your friends, to share story and good coffee. If it's not enough, you could take their coffee to your home.

Something to bring back home

written on April 27, 2016 by @tesyasblog

Related Posts Regarding Our Favourite Coffee Shops:
Two Cents Bandung
Armor Kopi Bandung
Tekodeko Koffiehuise Semarang


  1. Waktu nginep di Hyatt Regency emang bolak balik ngelewatin tempat ini, tapi sepi mulu parkirannya jadi kita kira biasa aja, ternyata lumayan juga yah

    1. Waaah serius enggak mampir? Padahal udah deket banget itu ya. Emang sepi parkirannya waktu Sabtu sore, tapi enggak tau sih ya kalau malem.

  2. kamu enak bgt ya mbak, temen2mu juga hobi jalan, jd kalian bisa arrange acara jalan bareng gitu... ini temen2ku, yg kantor ato temen sekolah dulu pada ga hobi piknik.. sebel tiap diajak jalan bnyk bgt alasannya.. -__-..Tiap kali mudik ke solo aku ga pernah lama kalo singgah jogja.. bnyk ga tau tempat2 keren di sana :D.. mudik sekali lagi benr2 harus nginep dan ga pulang hari ke solo spertinya :D..Biar gampang jalan2

    1. Hahaha iya Fan, asiknya pada suka jalan, seru:)
      Nah iya nginep di Jogja aja sekalian, nyobain hotel ama tempat makan nya ya.
