Things To See & Do Around JR Furano Station

Yup, you may ask me why would I want to write a special post regarding a JR Station in a small city called Furano? Having traveled very slow in Furano with my family, it gave me time to explore the place around JR Furano Station.

And if you are planning to visit Furano to see the lavender, you might want to explore the surrounding between your waiting time to catch the next train.

The station itself is small but beautiful, located in a quiet and small town of Furano. I will tell you what to do around JR Furano Station, according to our experience.

Flowers in front of JR Furano Station
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Tomita Melon House: Having The Best (And Most Expensive) Melon Ice Cream Ever

So you've read our post about Farm Tomita and also the chairlift at Nakafurano. What else to do in Furano? If you are taking the train from Furano to Lavender Farm Station, you will hardly miss the Tomita Melon House which is located just next to Farm Tomita .

The giant melon was very eye catching, and it represents that everything in this place are made from melon; melon ice cream, melon buns, melon snacks, melon fruit taart, melon everything:D 

Our expensive vanilla ice cream on a Japanese melon:)

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Weekend di Bangkok 3 Hari 2 Malam: Mommies Day Out Trip Hingga ke Santorini Park

Tulisan tentang Hokkaido Trip kami sebetulnya belum selesai, tapi mari kita meilipir sedikit ke Bangkok ya. Setiap tahun, saya mengadakan Mommies Day Out Trip ke Bangkok. Silahkan lihat rangkaian post nya disini. Tidak terasa sudah dari tahun 2014 ternyata:D

Tahun 2017 ini saya mengajak teman-teman kantor, dan teman-teman saya. Tiba-tiba aja sudah 18 orang mendaftar. Jadi maaf ya belum buka untuk umum, kuota naik van sudah penuh. Ada yang tanya di instagram, "Kok enggak ada woro-woro nya sih?". Aduh..aduh.. maaf..

Mommies day out trip ke Bangkok ala tesyasblog saya buat dengan misi sederhana: saya ingin memberikan pengalaman kepada teman-teman khususnya para mommies untuk menjadi independent traveller. As simple as mau ngajakin para mommies untuk menginap di dorm hostel, keliling pasar dan mall di Bangkok untuk belanja, dan tambahan untuk tahun 2017 adalah foto-foto di Santorini Park.

Intinya kami melakukan hal-hal yang mungkin kalau mommies ngajak para suami hanya dibalas dengan emoticon nyengir di whatsapp. Hmm, itu mah mr.husband sih. Hahahaha.. Entah kenapa mr.husband tidak pernah mau lagi saja ajak ke Bangkok. Katanya cukup sekali saja kesana. Hadeh!  

Tim kami terbagi dua: tim belanja dan tim Santorini. Ada yang menginap dua malam dan juga tiga malam. Saya akan ceritakan dengan seksama tim Santorini, dimana saya menjadi bagian di dalamnya.  

We were so ready :)
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Furano With Kids: Taking The Nakafurano Chairlift at Choei Lavender Farm

Visiting lavender farm at Farm Tomita might be a dream come true for me, but not for the boys:D That's why when I was making the Hokkaido trip itinerary, I tried to find something to do for our Kiddos as well. The research led me to the Nakafurano Chairlift, an affordable attraction at Choie Lavender Farm and Nakafurano Flower Park.

I asked mr.husband to search the direction via google map, and it was only a 15 minutes walk from Farm Tomita. For other alternative you can also take the train from Lavender Farm Station to the Nakafurano JR Station. But you have to walk first from Farm Tomita to the station for 10 minutes.

Although we didn't get to see as many lavender as expected, I might say that the chairlift experience is the highlight of our visit to the lavender farm that day :)

A pleasant ride on the Nakafurano chairlift :)
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