Amaris Bugis Review: Hotel di Singapura Rp 1 Juta-an

"Mba, saya cari hotel murah di Bugis untuk keluarga, sebaiknya apa ya?"

Banyak pembaca blog yang bertanya kepada saya mengenai hotel murah di Bugis, Singapura. Dan karena faktor lokasi yang very central, hotel di Bugis itu cukup mahal.

Pilihan hotel di Bugis yang Rp 1 juta di antaranya Fragrance Bugis, Marrison Hotel yang reviewnya pernah saya tulis di sini, Parkview dan ada juga chain hotel Indonesia yang membuka cabang disana, yaitu Amaris Bugis. Tapi ya itu, kamarnya kecil-kecil, kalau anaknya masih kecil dan hanya satu, mungkin cukup.

Familiar kan dengan lambang "a" ini?

Mr.husband pernah menginap di Amaris Bugis dan membawakan saya oleh-oleh berupa foto hotel dan kamar Amaris Bugis. Siapa tau bisa menjadi referensi teman-teman yang mencari hotel di Bugis dengan harga Rp 1 juta-an.
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The Rinra Makassar Hotel Review

The Rinra Makassar, I have never heard about this hotel until my friend from Makassar's office, Pak Rissyo introduced it to me. I checked its website and was stunned by the pool of The Rinra Makassar. As a matter of fact, pool doesn't really get along with the tight schedule.

We arrived late, and got the chance to see the swimming pool of The Rinra Makassar on the next day. Cameras were not allowed at the pool, so my GoPro was used instead, and the security guy didn't stop me from using it. And the below picture was just epic, because both of my friends, Ibu Rita and Lucia's shirts were the same with the pillows!:D

What a coincidence!
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Visiting Rammang-Rammang Village, Makassar

The idea to visit Rammang-Rammang came from a friend at Makassar's office. Pak Rissyo said that it is the second largest karst in the world, and the largest karst in Indonesia. The next thing I did was googling abouth Rammang-Rammang Village in Makassar, and I fell in love with this place.

Pak Rissyo arranged the trip for us. We managed to leave the hotel at 8 am, headed to Rammang-Rammang and back to the airport at midday, because we had a flight to catch to Palu.

All the effort was really worth it, because this is the first sight I saw when we arrived at the small jetty for all the long tail boats going to Rammang-Rammang Village.

From the very first start, I knew this trip would be a special one
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Istanbul With Kids: Visiting Istanbul SEA Life Akvayrum

Having visited and had super fun seeing the Dugong at Sydney SEA Life Aquarium, we wanted to visit another aquarium during our family holiday in Istanbul. When we did our research on kids friendly places in Istanbul, we found out that there's SEA Life Akvaryum in Istanbul. Of course we put it in our itinerary right away! 

It is located inside a huge shopping mall called Forum Istanbul. From the first time we arrived at Forum Istanbul, we saw a huge advertisement of the Istanbul SEA Life Akvaryum.

Welcome to Forum Istanbul Shopping Mall:)

There are 2 huge aquariums in Istanbul, please don't get confused. We visited the one with "SEA Life" brand which belongs to the same group company with SEA Life Sydney, SEA Life Bangkok, etc, which is called Merlin Entertainment.

It was not difficult to find Istanbul SEA Life Akvaryum, the sign inside the shopping mall was really clear. Other than SEA Life Akvaryum, there's also Legoland Discovery Center inside the Forum Istanbul. However, we didn't have the chance to visit the Legoland Discovery Center. We spent hours inside the SEA Life Istanbul.

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Berburu (Lagi) Tiket Pesawat Promo di GATF Oktober 2016

Helloow para pemburu tiket promo Garuda Indoneia...

Setelah guestpost tips berburu tiket pesawat murah di GATF April 2016 yang ditulis oleh Om dan Tante saya tersayang diserbu pembaca tesyasblog, hari ini saya ingin menceritakan pengalaman saya mencari tiket murah di Bayu Buana.

Beberapa minggu sebelum pameran, foto iklan Garuda di bawah ini menghiasi berbagai WA group. Teman-teman pasti udah menerimanya juga kan?

Foto dari website Garuda Indonesia

Kemudian saya pun memasang strategi untuk mendapatkan tiket idaman ke Gorontalo tanpa perlu ke JCC. Aduh, saya itu kalau melihat banyak orang jadi pusing. I don't really think the cashback worth IDR 500,000 really worth it. Apalagi hanya 2 cashback untuk 1 kartu BNI Platinum.

Ini strategi saya:
1. Membeli tiket di Bayu Buana cabang Kelapa Gading pada saat happy hour untuk saya dan keluarga Om Yunuz.
2. Jika strategi nomor 1 tidak berhasil, saya sudah siap-siap nitip ke Om Yunuz lagi (seperti GATF April 2016). Katanya Om Yunuz belum kapok antre GATF di JCC:D

Boo ya, beli tiket aja pake strategi? Hahahaha... iya donk, harus!

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[Guestpost] Temukan Keunikan Goa Terawang Blora

Sewaktu teman saya Muti, mengirimkan tulisan mengenai Goa Terawang di Blora, saya semakin ingin mengunjungi goa serupa tapi tak sama yaitu Goa Jomblang di Gunung Kidul.

Minggu lalu saya berkesempatan melakukan mommies day out ke Gunung Kidul, namun hanya berhasil ke Goa Pindul. Salah seorang teman yang belum mommies namun ikut acara tersebut, Leon, kemudian pamer foto-foto saat ia bekunjung ke Goa Jomblang. Dan tentu saja, Goa Jomblang masuk ke dalam bucketlist saya, untuk kunjungan berikutnya ke Gunung Kidul.

Foto belongs to Leon, when she visited Goa Jomblang in Gunung Kidul

Leon juga menceritakan betapa serunya saat ia ditarik turun dengan tali menuju Goa Jomblang di Gunung Kidul. Dan sayapun semakin iri..hehe..

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