Well, ok..it's not exactly located in Jakarta, it's about one hour away from Jakarta (without heavy traffic). Scientia Square Park is located next to Summarecon Digital Center Serpong and it is by far the best playground I found in Jakarta, or to be honest, in Indonesia.
It's a huge playground, having great (and new) equipments, some of them are similar to the playground we visited in Darling Harbour, Sydney. That's why our friend Yulia, who lived in Sydney during her master program, texted me when she found Scientia Square Park, "Tes, let's play at Scientia Square Park, it's as great as Darling Harbour's playground. You'll love it!"
And Yulia was right, we love it, from the very first start.
Arriving around 6 am at Scientia, we were welcomed by Mr.Sunshine |
In the early morning, the entrance was only from the little gate near Brewok's, which is where the playground for toddlers is located.
This was Kiddos#1 favorite spot at Scientia |
Kiddos#2 was enjoying the ample place to run |
Moving a little bit further inside, there's another playground with more serious equipment. I mean, adult can also exercise here.
Let's pull your body up! |
Kiddos also tried this equipment |
If your kids like to climb up the wall, they can do it at Scientia Square Park. Around the climbing wall, you will find mattress, to keep your kids safe. How cool is that?
The climbing wall |
Kiddos#1 at the wall |
There's a group of people enjoying their aerobic time on a field. When their aerobic session was finished, the garden was used by the kids to play bicycle. You can take your bicycle into Scientia Square Park.
The empty field after the aerobic session was finished |
You can also take your skateboard and helmet. There's a cool skateboard area which reminds me to the skateboard area at the movie Hotel Transylvania 2:D
I was amazed to see the kids playing skateboard |
A skateboard area with rice field at the background:p |
Kiddos didn't have any skateboard yet, so we kept on walking, and we found a giant swing. There's only one giant swing, so when there's lots of visitors, please teach your children how to take turn with others.
It was not only for the Kiddos:p |
Then we found another playground near the giant swing. The playground is more suitable for older kids, however you could also find a swing for the baby.
Playground for the older kids |
As you may see, the Scientia Square Park has a beautiful garden |
Another equipment that our Kiddos love at Scientia |
Boys will be boys |
Then the best part for the kids, of course the wet area! Please ensure that you bring towel and clothes to Scientia Square Park. We only brought one spare t-shirt and short for each of our Kiddos, but we couldn't say no, when the request to play at the wet area.
The wet area is small, but still they love to play here |
While the kids were having a blast, I stood under the tree to avoid the heat:D |
After playing at the wet area, we went to the toilet. There was no shower, but the toilet was very clean. Let me post the picture of it, because the clean toilet is very important especially for the moms :)
The toilet area |
Another thing you find here is the artificial rice field. I am telling you, this park has it all!
The rice field with an apartment as the background |
He seldom run at a rice filed, now he enjoyed the opportunity |
It was indeed an enjoyable Sunday morning for us, especially because our friend @diniros also joined us to have a playdate.
Scientia Square Park will be everybody's favorite playground. And when the time come, I hope the management of the park could maintain its cleanliness.
Things you should know about Scientia Square Park:
1. The park opens at 5 am every morning, coming early is recommended.
2. The entrance fee is IDR 25,000 per person on weekend and IDR 15,000 per person on weekday. The brochure said, it was a promo rate, with a 50% discount from the normal rate.
3. If you are living in BSD area, the family membership of IDR 200,000 which last for 30 days, should take into consideration.
4. It was very hot at the park, do not forget to bring hats and sunblock.
Visit their website: www.scientiasquarepark.com
written on October 15, 2015 by @tesyasblog
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Selalu suka baca blog mba Tesya, banyak info menarik :)
ReplyDeleteBesok langsung meluncur kesana.
Ikan hiu naik bis...tengkiuuu abiss ;)
Hahahha lucu sampai ada pantunnya, sayangnya aku enggak bisa berbalas pantun.
DeleteSama-sama Mbak, segera meluncurr...
This is awesome
ReplyDeleteandaikan ada kaya beginiam di semarang kayanya aetiap minggu deh kami kesana
Nah, ini peluang bisnis Mba Muna, ayo buat kaya gini di Semarang :)
DeleteLuas banget ya Bu... Kalau anak-anak uda bisa manjat dan naik sepeda, kyknya kudu ke sini ya.
ReplyDeleteIya Mario, asyik banget disini. Nolan udah cocok lah dibawa kesini...
DeleteAduh makin bikin sirik nih yang tinggal di BSD.. fasilitasnyaaa bikin mupeng. Makasi yaa mba Tesra infonya berguna sekali..
ReplyDeleteIya ya Mba Restu, aku juga pengen main kesini lagi tapi jauh aja..hehe... Ayo Mbak dicoba main kesini.
Deletehalal bihalal smu angkatan ku nov ntr, rencana mw diadain di taman ini... tp kok aku ngerasa kurang cocok kalo utk tempat kumpul ya... oke sih fasilitasnya utk anak2 mungkin asik.. tp buat kita yg kumpul2, kok rada ga sreg :D.. kyknya hrs aku ksh tau temenku lg ini :D
ReplyDeleteCocok aja kok, kan sekitarnya banyak banget tempat makan Kak Fanny :D
DeleteHmmmm lagi2 jauh di BSD hahaha
ReplyDeleteHhahaha emang nih jauh aja..
DeleteWow... Sampai di sana jam 6, dari rumah berangkat jam brp mbak?
ReplyDeleteSeruu yak, pengen kesana deh:)
Dari rumah jam 05.30, niat banget ya hehehe..
DeleteYuk kita kesana, seru looh :)
Mbak salut dech sama dirimu, jam berapa dari rumah? hihiii tapi asyik ya, sekali-kali aku pingin gitu juga ach, bangun pagi untuk menikmati tempat yang menyenangkan
ReplyDeleteHahaha iya, subuh Mba tentunyah..
DeleteEnak kalau pagi enggak panas dan ayunan besar itu enggak terlalu rebutan.
Pengeeen banget ke sini sm anak2 smoga aja kesampaian ya mba. Thanks a lot buat infonya..sangat berguna. Btw tau ga kalo naik kereta turunnya dimana ya? Thanks again..
ReplyDeleteHello Mba, aduh maaf aku enggak tau rutenya kalau naik kereta. Iya taman ini asik banget, yuk cobain main di sana.
DeleteKalau naik kereta turun di stasiun Rawa Buntu. Bisa naik ojek/angkot menuju Summarecon Mall Serpong nanti kesana ada free shuttle bus. - Ratih -
DeleteMaaf Mba Tesya, bantu jawab, yaa
Aaaha, makasih ya Mba Ratih udah bantuin jawab :)